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Journal of Guangdong Radio & Television University
2009 Issue 5
On Students\'Initiative Undertaking at Polytechnics
chen guang jun
On Student Competence Assessment
he xian chun ; yang cui you
An Analysis of the Accessory Pathway of Financial Crisis in FDI Visual Angle
liu hai ming ; ding zheng zhi
Deduction of a Trigonometric Inequality
sheng xin gen
Designing and Application of the Desktop Virtual Experiment from Perspective of Host-guest
fu jian ; wang zhen zhen ; yang xue
Chen Jitang and Guangdong\'s Industrial Construction of the Republic of China
zhao bao ; xu hong yan
Evolution and Approach of Chinese Civil Society
ji ning
Legal Research on Privatization of Public Utilities
yu song lin
Sea Power Theory and China\'s Peaceful Rise
song hai yang