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Journal of Engineering Graphics
2011 Issue 6
Research on the Shape Feature Description in Trademark Retrieval
DENG Xue-xiong;YANG Zhi-cheng;ZHU Zheng-hai
A Study and Practice of Introducing 3D Modeling into Engineering Graphics by a Merge-integrated Method
WANG Jing;LIU Yang;MENG Guan-jun;TANG Chuan-ling;LI Xue-jing
Color Image Edge Detection Based on Mathematical Morphology
WANG Jin-feng;JIAO Bin-liang
Two Classes of Quintic Generalized Ball Curves with Adustable Shape
YAN Lan-lan;ZHANG Wen;WEN Rong-sheng
3D Segmentation of IVUS Image Sequence Based on Snake Model
Research on Obiective Ouality Assessment of Remote Sensing Image
HE Zhong-xiang;WANG Ming-fu;YANG Shi-hong;WU Qin-zhang
Retinex Model in Discrete Cosine Transform Domain for Image Enhancement
ZHANG Xin-long;SHEN Yong;ZHANG Xuan;WANG Rong-gui
CA1040P90L2 Pickup Driving Axle Design
Method of Creating Camouflage Physiognomy for a Local Region
ZHAO Min-rong;ZHANG Xi-wen
A Study of Special Effect Simulation Based on GPU-supporting Particle System Editor
CHEN Xian-jun;LI Xin-ying;ZHAN Yong-song
Analysis on the Thinking Mode in Reading Views
TANG Chu-jian;LONG Yu
The Hyperbolic Paraboloid Formed by Two Affine Point Ranges in Space
LIU Fu-ping;DING Yong