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Chinese Journal of Engineering Mathematics
2011 Issue 6
Stability Analysis of a Competitive Lotka-Volterra System with Time Delays and Stage Structure
ZHENG Chong-wu;JIAO Shou-wen;ZHANG Feng-qin
On the Regularization of Nonlinear Image Registration
ZHANG Jing;HUAN Zhong-dan;ZHANG Hai-li
The Geo/Geo/1 Queue Model with Multiple Vacations, Negative Customers, and the 〈p, N〉 Policy Set-up Time
XU Zu-run;ZHU Yi-jun;SUN Gui-yong;LI Min-jie
A Quadratically Convergent Inexact Smoothing Newton Method for P0-LCP
ZHANG Jie;RUI Shao-ping
The M/M/1 Queue with Single T-SPH Vacations
ZHANG Hong-bo;WANG Hong-wei
zheng gao jian ze
An Estimator of the Semiparametric Isotonic EV Regression Model
SUN Zhi-meng;ZHANG Zhong-zhan
The Time-periodic Solution to a Mutualistic System
SHI Xiu-lian
A New Globally Convergent Conjugate Gradient Method with Wolfe Line Search
JIANG Xian-zhen;MA Guo-dong;JIAN Jin-bao
A New Mehrotra-type Predictor-corrector Algorithm for Convex Quadratic Optimization
LI Wei-hua;ZHANG Ming-wang;CHEN Dong-hai
Stability Analysis of BAM Neural Networks with Delays and Impulses
WANG Fen;WU Huai-yu