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Engineering and Construction
2008 Issue 6
On the reactive power compensation measures
GU Wei-guo
Gray prediction for building settlement based on Matlab
AO Bin;WANG Guo-ti
On the bridge pile foundation consolidation
YANG You-mei
Construction technology of cased and interlocked filling pile
ZHOU Zheng-ping
Seismic resistant property study for assembled prestressed concrete frame joint
CHEN Li-qing;HUANG Shen-jiang
Study on subgrade widening technique for expressway extension project
JIANG Guang-xuan
Preliminary discussion of the road planning in the college campus
SHEN Tian-qing;WANG Mei
Discussion about building a harmonious airport
WANG Ke-dao
Nonlinear analysis of over-long frame structure under the temperature
FAN Chun-hai;WEI Tong-tong
Computational methods to the reliability of bridge structure
SHI Fei-ting
Issues about the structural analysis for the RC building design
ZHANG Wen-lu
Camber calculation and measurement for pre-stressed concrete frame girder
CHENG Chen;LIU Bing-kang
FEM analysis for the static property of the t-shaped short-leg shear wall
WU Chun-ping;XU Wei
On the status quo of county-level survey and design units in Anhui province and development strategies
WU Xiao-qin;CHEN Dong-ming;YIN Zong-jun
Application of Ansys in forward-analysis of cable-stayed bridge
CHEN Tao;QIU Ti-jun
Crack control for the outer wall of reinforced concrete basement
ZHOU Ming-shan;BAO Ke-qing
Ansys simulation of imposing prestress on prestressed concrete
FU Yong-qiang;ZHANG Xiao-shui;HU Cheng
Geological research status of vermiculated red soil project in Jiangxi and the prospects
ZHOU Long-mao;HUANG He-ping;HUANG Xiao-song
Technology, ecology, cultural continuation, space-cognizing Norman Foster
SUN Zhi-jun;YANG Fang
On the construction temperature and cracks of cement concrete
XU Hong-mei
On prestressed cable construction technology
LI Chang-qi
Re-birth of old building
CHEN Zheng-de
Research on cross-cultural management in international projects
FENG Hui;WANG Zhang-hu
Basic quality analysis for survey and design managers
WU Fu-qing
Owners' management of municipal road construction project
QIAN Zhi-hua;ZHANG Fei