Infrared thermography analysis of tunnel surrounding rock damage under blasting
ZOU Bao-ping;LUO Zhan-you;WANG Jian-xiu;WANG Guo-tao;HU Li-sheng;State Key Laboratory for Geomechanics and Deep Underground Engineering;China University of Mining and Techno-logy;School of Civil Engineering and Architecture;Zhejiang University of Science and Technology;Department of Geotechnical Engineering;Tongji University;China Railway No.2Engineering Group Co.;Ltd.;
Impact toughness and failure mode of cracked rock mass
ZHANG Hui;XING Chuang-feng;ZHANG Li-min;LIU Hong-yan;Architecture Engineering College;Huanghuai University;Engineering Survey & Design Company of China Railway Seventh Group Co.;Ltd.;School of Civil and Resource Engineering;University of Science and Technology Beijing;Hebei Chengde Iron and Steel Corporation;College of Engineering & Technology;China University of Geosciences;
Directional effect of metal medium in joint cutting blasting
SHI Qiang-qiang;LIU Wei-zhou;YANG Hai-tao;Maanshan Institute of Mining Research Blasting Engineering Co.;Ltd.;Sinosteel Maanshan Institute of Mining Research Co.;Ltd.;State Key Laboratory of Safety and Health for Metal Mine;Sinosteel Maanshan Institute of Mining Research Co.;Ltd.;