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The Jurist
2015 Issue 6
People’s Assessor System:Empirical Analysis and System Reconstruction
ZHANG Jiajun;Zhengzhou University law School;
ben kan qi shi
Designing the Farmer’s House Mortgage Systems
Fang Shaokun;Yantai University Law School;China Land Policy and Law Enforcement Assessment Research Center of Yantai University;
The Test of General Infrastructure in Countervailing Measures:From The Perspective of Public Goods Theory
Li Zhongping;Law Department of Guangdong Finance College;
Judging Substantial Similarity under Copyright Law
Liang Zhiwen;Law School of Nanjing Normal University;
On the Confusion Standards of Trademark Infringement:The Explanation to the Article 57(2) of Trademark Law in Our Country
Yao hehui;law School of Hunan Normal University;
On the Validity of Insurance Contracts Conditioned by the Death of the Insured Without the Insured’s Consent
Yu Haichun;Law School of University International Businese and Eonomics;
Some Clarifications on the Civil Institution of Territorial Jurisdiction
Cao Zhixun;KoGuan Law School of Shanghai Jiao Tong University;
Pure Negligent Crime and Non-Pure Negligent Crime:Legislative Comparison and Doctrinal Explanation
Chen Xingliang;Peking University Law School;
Study on the Legitimate Ways of the Review of University Regulations
Fu Chuangyu;Law School of China Youth University of Political Studies;
Tokyo Trial:the Rational and Civilized Development of Our Human Beings
Zhu Wenqi;Renmin University of China Law School;
United States Court for China:An Alternative Mode of Extraterritoriality
Li Yang;Nanjing Normal University Law School;
fa xue jia 2015 nian zong mu lu