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Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry
2001 Issue 9
Preparation and Application of Ofloxacin Selective Polyvinyl Chloride Membrane Coated Glass Electrode
wu jing ; zhao hai lan ; wei lin heng ; ai tian zong ; dong xue zhi
Colour Reaction of N-Allyl-N′-(sodium-p-benzenesulfonate)thiourea with Palladium? and Its Application
ma wan shan ; xu chun zuo ; zhang yu xia ; yang hai shen
Determination of Sparfloxacin in Human Urine by Reversed Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography
du li ming ; wei hong qing ; zuo yan ; chang zhao yong
Separation of 5H-Phenyl-dibenzophosphole Sulfonated Products by Thin Layer Chromatography
dong hui ru ; zhang jing chang ; zhang jian jun ; jin hua
Design and Equipment of a Steam Generator for Thermogravimetric Device
cui hong ; yang jian li ; liu zhen yu ; bi ji cheng
Synergistic Effect in Capillary Electrophoresis Enantiose paration
gu jun ling ; fu ruo nong
New Progress of Investigation on Oscillographic A nalysis
zheng jian bin ; zhang hong fang ; gao hong
Study on the Retention Behavior of Benzene and It s Alkyl Homologues by Microemulsion Electrokinetic Chromatography
yuan zuo ; lv jian de ; xu xiu zhu ; fu xiao zuo
Determination of Trace Copper in Food by Laser Induced Spectrofluorimetry with Diode Array Detection
zuo chong lin ; li yuan zuo ; yang jun ; yang jing guo ; zhong xian qiong
Phosphorimetric Assay of Pyridoxine
huang ru heng
Separation of 5,8,11,14,17-Eicodapentaenoic Acid and 4,7,10,13,16,19-Docosahemanoic Acid by Supercritical Fluid Chromatography
ren qi long ; xiong ren tian ; wang xian da ; wu ping dong
Determination of Caffein, Epicatechin and Ascorbic Acid in Tea Samples by Capillary Zone Electrophoresis with Electrochemical Detection
cao yu hua ; zhang xin ; ding xiang huan ; fang yu zhi ; ye jian nong
Determination of Total Phosphorus in Re-circle Water by Spectrophotometry with Microwave Digestion
sun xiao juan ; su yue zeng ; jin feng ming ; yin chong chun
Determination of Methyl tert-Butyl Ether In Gasoline by Capillary Gas Chromatography
liu jia min ; shen lin bo ; tan hua ; peng xiao hui
Flow-injection Catalytic Spectrophotometric Determinatio n of Selenium? in the Presence of Non-ionic Surfactant
fan jing ; ye cun ling ; feng su ling ; zhang yi min ; hao da qing ; tian guo jun
Flourescence Quenching Method for the Determination of Total Rare Ear th with Tryptophan
fan zhe feng ; du li ming ; jin xiao tao
Analysis of Soybean Phospholipids by High Performance Liquid Chromatography
xia hai tao ; an hong ; liu yu fen ; yu chun ling
Direct Enantiomeric Separation of Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs by High Performance Liquid Chromatography
liu xue liang ; wang jun de ; shang zhen hua ; yu yi nian
Immobilization of Oligonucleotides on Photolithographic Gold Films and Its Analytical Applications
liu zhi hong ; yang qing juan ; xu dan ke ; he wei ; wang yan ; ma li ren
Octyl, Phenyl, Amino and Cyano Bonded Phases Containing Polyglycol Chains Used in Solid Phase Extraction
zhang hai xia ; deng hua ; liu man cang ; zhu peng ling
Effect of Electrode Treatment on Stability of G lucose Sensor
zhou song ; gou li ; ran jun guo ; meng xian wei
Analysis of Surface Property of Amphiphilic Polymer by Inverse Phase Gas Chromatography
zou qi chao ; zhang jin zhi ; zhang yu hong ; song gong wu
Spectral Characteristic of Chloro-phenyl-5-fluorouracil-porphyrin Compounds
yang qiu qing ; liu yan qin ; qiu hong
Spectrophotometric Determination of Trace Manganese with Mn-Methyl Violet-Potassium Bromide Reaction
zhu zhan cai ; zhu guo hui ; wang pei shan
Determination of the Trace Amount of 2-Diphenylami ne and 4-Diphenylamine in Waste Water by Ion Chromatography with Fluorescence Detector
zhu yan ; jiang yin tu ; ye ming li ; guo dan ; xiang guang hong
Simultaneous Determination of Sulfamethoxazole and Trimethoprim in Tablets with Robust Regression by Spectrophotometry
geng xin ; li jing hui ; gao li rang ; zhu xiu hui