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Journal of East China Institute of Technology(Social Science)
2006 Issue 3
Expounding the Analysis of Grid Resources Based on Fuzzy Mathematics
LI Xue-ping;HU Guang-lin;YANG Yong-gen
Universities Combination, Enlarged Admission and Library Construction
WANG Xiao-lan;XIN Xiang-dong
On the Development and Management of Human Resource in Higher School Library under Network
ZHENG Ying-jia;WANG Ai-xian;GUO Qi
Trying to Analyse Designated Staff Capacity of Enlarged Ordinary College
ZHANG Hong-jun;GUO Fu-sheng;LI Man-gen;CHEN Shao-hua
The Perspective of University City in Germany
LIU Yi-bao;XIN Xiang-dong
Transmutation of Lineage in Modernization
LI Jian-guo;QIU Xin-you
Rural Governance: Mechanism Innovation and Government Role
CHEN Hong-sheng
On Lu Jiuyuan's Consciousness of for the Pepole from His Poems
JIANG Ying;LU Ye-long
Multi-perspective Analysis to Foreign Language Classroom Discourse
ZENG Cai-jin;YAO Ming-fa
The Cognitive Basis of Classifying Narrative Perspectives
LIAO Hua-ying;YAN Xiao-ying
The General Goal and Principles of School Ecological Moral Education
LEI Xin-lan;HUA Qi-he
On Education's Power of Ideology and Politics
GAO Jin-rong;XU Yue-jin
The Tragedy of Life Existance: on Feng Zhi's Sonnets Collection
XIN Lu-gao;HE Wei-min