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Journal of Foshan University(Social Science Edition)
2006 Issue 6
Editor's Role and Quality In Web Age
LIANG Nian-qiong
On Heidegger's The Origin of Work of Art
LIAO Jian-rong;ZHU Yan
Interpersonal Relation:the Denial of Social Relation
CHEN Rong-jie
A Comparision of Chinese-Western Ethic Ideas of Love
JIN Ming-hua
On the Training Mode of Cartoon Talents
WU Hong
A Study of Management Idea Based on Core Staff Members
Reflectiions on Building Enterprises' Credit System
CHEN Yao-xiu
On Judicial Justice in Maintaining Social Harmony
QI Jian-ping
Compliance and Development:The Idea of Civil Law in Circular Economy
PENG Jun-liang;HOU Yu
On the Transliteration of Loan Words in Japanese
WANG Xue-mei;SHEN Xue-xia
Info-deficiency & Translation Commensurability in Cultural Translation
HE Wen-xian;XU Pin-jing
A Pragmatic Interpretation of Euphamistic Speech
YI Qiang
Analysis of "jihu"
WANG Feng-lan
On the Historical Value of Wang Fangzhi's Poems
LU Qi-mei
On Fabrication of Prose From Truthfulness of Feelings
LI Zi-guo
Marriage Freedom and Education Equality
LING Yun-lan