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Journal of Bionic Engineering
2016 Issue 2
Bioinspired Dry Adhesive Materials and Their Application in Robotics: A Review
Yasong Li;,Jeffrey Krahn;,Carlo Menon;
Biomimetics in Production Organization — A Literature Study and Framework
Kirsten Reisen;,Ulrich Teschemacher;,Michael Niehues;,Gunther Reinhart;
Wetting Characterizations of Oilseed Rapes
Dynamics of Droplets of Biological Fluids on Smooth Superhydrophobic Surfaces under Electrostatic Actuation
Ana Sofia Moita;,Catarina Laur(e)ncia;,Joana Anastácio Ramos;,Duarte Miguel Fran(c)a Prazeres;,António Luís Nobre Moreira;
Hybrid Design and Performance Tests of a Hovering Insect-inspired Flapping-wing Micro Aerial Vehicle
Quoc-Viet Nguyen;,Woei Leong Chan;,Marco Debiasi;
Aerodynamic Performance of the Locust Wing in Gliding Mode at Low Reynolds Number
Jinwu Xiang;,Jianxun Du;,Daochun Li;,Kai Liu;
Energy-efficient Bio-inspired Gait Planning and Control for Biped Robot Based on Human Locomotion Analysis
Hongbo Zhu;,Minzhou Luo;,Tao Mei;,Jianghai Zhao;,Tao Li;,Fayong Guo;
Control of a Cheetah Robot in Passive Bounding Gait
Hua Nie;,Ronglei Sun;,Liya Hu;,Zhendong Su;,Wenqiang Hu;
Bioinspired Segment Robot with Earthworm-like Plane Locomotion
Chang-Woo Song;,Dong-Jun Lee;,Seung-Yop Lee;
Insertion and Pull Behavior of Worker Honeybee Stinger
Jintian Ling;,Lelun Jiang;,Keyun Chen;,Chengfeng Pan;,Yan Li;,Wei Yuan;,Liang Liang;
Analysis of the Vibrissa Parametric Resonance Causing a Signal Amplification during Whisking Behaviour
Tatiana Volkova;,Igor Zeidis;,Hartmut Witte;,Manuela Schmidt;,Klaus Zimmermann;
A Comparative Study on the Performance of Typical Types of Bionic Groove Dry Gas Seal based on Bird Wing
Jinbo Jiang;,Xudong Peng;,Jiyun Li;,Yuan Chen;
Design and Experiments of Biomimetic Stubble Cutter
Zhiyong Chang;,Wei Liu;,Jin Tong;,Li Guo;,Heng Xie;,Xiao Yang;,Haifeng Mu;