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Radiation Protection Bulletin
2001 Issue 2
The Status of Radioactive Pollution due to Associated Minerals and Countermeasures Study
shuai zhen qing ; wen wei hui ; zhao ya min ; zhao yong ming ; zhang li cheng
Consideration of Some Problems in Detecting Activity of Natural Radionuclides
su qiong ; cheng jian ping ; wang xue wu ; fan jia jin
Health Physics Vol.77 No.6 1999
The International meetings in 2001
Introduction to JNC MIU Underground Laboratory
fan zhi wen
Practice on the Environmental Amelioration in an Abandoned Uranium Mining Area
liu shi yi ; xia chang zuo
Investigation on Natural Uranium Concentrations in the Drinking Water Sources in Xi'an City
zhou chun lin ; shang ai guo ; li tian zuo ; han feng ; di yu ming ; wu yue lei
Survey on Environmental Terrestrial γ Dose Rate in Baotou City
wang ling xiu ; zhang li cheng ; bai li na ; wang xiao qing
Experimental Study of Performance of Passive HTO Sampler
yang hai lan ; wen xue lian ; wu bin
Study on Migration of 3H and Br- in a Loess Column
liu zhi hui ; you zhi jun ; wang xu dong ; li zuo tang