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Radiation Protection Bulletin
2001 Issue 1
Codes on High-Level Waste Disposal
shen zhen yao
The Research of Fast Prediction Method of Radon Concentration in Regional Air
liu qing cheng ; yang ya xin ; wan jun ; cheng ye xun
Use of Composite Mortar in Mitigating Radon Gas Contamination within Concrete Building Structures
gao xiu feng ; tan zhi ming ; gao wen zhi ; lu yao
Detection of Contents of Uranium,Thorium and Cesium in Human Body
chen ru song ; zhu hong da ; wang ji xian ; wang nai fen ; liu hu sheng ; cao yi ; liu guo dong
Artificial Activities and Natural Radioactivity in the Environment
zhao ya min ; liu hua ; wu hao
Approaches to Separation ,Concentration and Monitoring of 85Kr in Air
liu yu yu ; yang hai lan
Review and Prospect of RIUM Radon Chamber
li xian jie
Determination of U and Th by Spectrophotometric Method in Fresh-Water from Feilaixia Reservoir
chen zhi dong ; deng fei ; lin qing ; chen de yu ; liu zuo ; chen fu liang
unscear 2000 nian bao gao shu
zheng jun zheng
Health Physics Vol.77 No.5 1999