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Fly Ash Comprehensive Utilization
2012 Issue 1
The Comparative Analysis of Influence on the Early Compressive strength of lithium Slag Compound Fly Ash High Performance Concrete
Zhou Hai-lei;Yang Heng-yang;Nuerkaili · Yiziteluofu;Shi Ke-bin
Analysis of Influential Factors on Crack Resistance of Basalt Aggregate in the RCC
shi yi sheng ; nie qiang ; chen lei
Study on the Process Mothods of Extracting Alumina from Fly Ash
zhang jin shan ; peng yan rong ; li zhi jun
Preparation of Hydroxyapatite from Phosphogypsum by Microwave Radiation
Zhang De-yi;Zhu Jia-can;Wang Jian-bin;Hu Xiao-bin
Research on the Simplified Computation Model of the Coarse Aggregate Particle Packing
JIANG Man;ZHANG Xiong;ZHANG Yong-juan;PENG Yi-bo
Study on Grinding Improvement of High Calcium Fly Ash
ji wen juan ; zhu zuo rong
Experimental Study on Influence Factors of Properties of Green-Growing Porous Concrete
Yang Jia;Zhou Xi-ling;Ou zheng-feng;Liu Huan