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Journal of Fujian Normal University(Philosophy and Social Scienecs Edition)
2015 Issue 3
xin xing yin guo gou shi yin wei a, suo yi b de jian gou yu xiu ci gong neng
wen suo lin ; han guo ying ;
Strategic Maneuvering: a Rhetorical Extension of Pragma-Dialectics
WU Peng;XIONG Minghui;
Modernity Change by the Subjectivity Theory on Chinese Prose
WANG Bing-Zhong;
The Call of the North: Science in Margaret Atwood’s Early Works
A Research on Guiqun Disciple(“归群弟子”) and its Writings
fang bao chuan ; xu jie ;
The Exploration and Analysis on the Indonesian Confucius Institute
Li Qihui;Jiang Xingshan;
ben kan te bie sheng ming