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Journal of Fujian Normal University(Philosophy and Social Scienecs Edition)
2002 Issue 3
The Analysis of Legal Aid and Its Awkward Predicament in China
lin feng zhang
The Demarcating of The Rural Economy Type of Fujian Province
weng li li ; li yong shi ; wang xiao wen ; wu shi dai ; liu gong xiang
Bangalore and India's Software Industry
yan zheng
A Survey of Hushi Educational Legality Theory
tu huai jing
On the Scientific Ethic of YAN Fu
ye zu zuo
Examination on Sun Yat-sen's Ideas of the Rule of Man
liu bao gang ; ye qing
Zhang Taiyan's Thoughts on Republicanism
wang yu hua
A Brief Discussion On Wo Ren's Lixue Thought
ma xiu ping
Wang Yong Chen and His Book--Si Tao Shuo Lin
duan chun xu
Hu Shi and Western Dramas (1910-1917)
zhuang hao ran
"May 4th" Writers and Buddhism
ha ying fei
A Prototypical Analysis of the Sematic Fuzziness in Color Terms
wu shi xiong ; chen wei zhen ; su yi lin
Study on the Verb"Do"of Fuzhou Dialect
liang yu zuo
The Distinctive Quality of Enlightenment Historiography
xia zu en
On Buyantai's Relations with LIN Ze-xu's Contribution in Xinjiang
ou qi jin ; sun qing ling
Some Problems About the Innovative Sociology
su zhen fang
Comments On Thompson's Theory of Class Consciousness
wang li duan ; chen yong zheng
The Youth Sexual Education in Network Age
fu hui fang