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Journal of Fujian Institute of Financial Administrators
2003 Issue 5
The Chronicle of FJIFA & FSB
On Comprehensive Moral Education Reform
Yu Shaoqian
Reflection on Agriculture- Supporting Services of Rural Credit Cooperatives
Quan Xiangwu;Liu Weizhou
My Personal Experience in Planning to Found FSB and FJIFA
Zheng Zuochun
Investigation: Establishing "Rural Credit Project" in Luoyuan County
Cai Minglong;Peng Dingkeng
A Study on Conductance of the Interest Rate Policy in Underdeveloped Area
The Project Group of Pingnan Sub-Branch PBOC
How did "Square Declaration" Cause Economic Recession in Japan?
Zhu Zhenyuan
The Duties of Insurance Industry in the Well-off Process
Zhang Jiansheng
On Revitalizing Trust′s Function in Resource Allocation
Lin Zhengping