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Journal of Fudan University(Natural Science)
2005 Issue 3
Discussion on the Joint Distribution of the Time of Ruin and the Loss at Ruin
QIAN Miao-lan;LAO Lan-jun
Estimating Parameter in Some Distributions from Grouped Data
A Model of Pricing Internet Diff-Serv Based on GVA
WANG Guo-cai;ZHU Dao-li
Some Time Estimates of Lévy Process on p-adics
SONG Li;Jiao Li;ZHAO Xue-lei
Buffon's Problem with a Long Needle in a Double Grid System
LI Guang-qin
Uniqueness of Entire Functions and Their Differential Polynomials
CAI Hui-ping;WANG Jun
Some Homological Properties of Positive Graded Algebras
XIN Cun-yan
Regional Isoperimetric Inequality for Sphere and Ellipsoid
LI Shou-pei
Hedging American Contingent Claims under Proportional Transaction Costs
WANG Bo;MENG Qing-xin
Further Discussion of Some New Unit-link Policies
HUO Kang
Optimal Investment with Stochastic Interest Rate and Default Risk
WANG Li-feng;MENG Qing-xin
New Method to Solve Free Boundary
WEI Guang-sheng
Algebraic Properties of Small Hankel Operators on the Bergman Space
HUANG Hui-chi
Estimate the Size of PCU Buffer in GPRS with D/MMDP/1/K Queueing System
Liu Ming-hua;LU Li-qiang
Dynamic Model Reduction of Complex Structures
ZHAO Yang;GAO Shu-hua;HUANG Tao;TANG Guo-an