Targeted therapy: tailoring cancer treatment
Min Yan 1;2 and Quentin Qiang Liu 1;2;3 1 State Key Laboratory of Oncology in South China;Guangzhou;Guangdong 510060;P. R. China;2 Research Department;Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center;Guangzhou;Guangdong 510060;P. R. China;3 Institute of Cancer Stem Cell;Cancer Center;Dalian Medical University;Dalian;Liaoning 116044;P. R. China.
Skeletal metastasis:treatments,mouse models,and the Wnt signaling
Kenneth C.Valkenburg 1;Matthew R.Steensma 1;2;Bart O.Williams 1 and Zhendong Zhong 1 1 Center for Skeletal Disease Research;Van Andel Research Institute;333 Bostwick Ave.NE;Grand Rapids;MI 49503;USA;2 Orthopedic Oncology;Spectrum Health;145 Michigan St.NE;Grand Rapids;MI 49503;USA.
Molecular mechanisms of tumor resistance to PI3K-mTOR-targeted therapy
Jing Tan 1 and Qiang Yu 1;2;3 1 Cancer Therapeutics and Stratified Oncology;Genome Institute of Singapore;A*STAR;Biopolis;Singapore 138672;Singapore;2 Department of Physiology;Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine;National University of Singapore;Singapore 117599;Singapore;3 Cancer and Stem Cell Biology;DUKE-NUS Graduate Medical School of Singapore;Singapore 169857;Singapore.
The absence of the ERBB4 hotspot mutations in melanomas in patients from southern China
Qi-Ming Zhou 1;2;5;Wei Li 6;Yuan-Xiang Guan 1;3;Xing Zhang 1;2;Xin-Chun Chen 6;Ya Ding 1;2;Xi-Zhi Wen 1;2;Rui-Qing Peng 1;2;Shu-Mei Yan 1;4 and Xiao-Shi Zhang 1;2 1 State Key Laboratory of Oncology in South China;Guangzhou;Guangdong 510060;P.R.China;2 Melanoma Unit & Biotherapy Center;3 Department of Gastric and Pancreatic Oncology;4 Department of Pathology;Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center;Guangzhou;Guangdong 510060;P.R.China;5 Department of Oncology;The Sixth People Hospital of Shenzhen;Shenzhen;Guangdong 518052;P.R.China;6 Institute of Hepatology;The Third People Hospital of Shenzhen;Shenzhen;Guangdong 518020;P.R.China.