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Electronics Quality
2008 Issue 11
Nonconforming Rate-oriented Manufacturing Process Quality Monitoring System
Fang Ji-tao;Deng Wei-wei;Yu Shu-song
Analysis of Availability of the N + K Redundancy Back-up Communications System
Wei Gong-hui;Hu Jian-sheng;Huang Xue-mei;Wei Ze-bang;Liu Fei-zheng
Research and Design of Smart Filter Based on MAX262
Chang Bo;Yan You-yun;Geng Tian-pu
A Speed Testing Method with Infrared Based on LM567
Zheng Wen-sheng;Xie Xiao-ping
Grain Measuring & Controlling System Designing Based on CAN Bus and CVI
QiU Chiningpiing;Zhou Hui-ling
A Fine-tuning Control Circuit Design for High-speed Digital Signal Delay
Zheng Yi;Shi Yi-bing;Fu Zai-ming
Analysis of the Effect of Phase Noise on QAM System in Digital TV System
Xiong Ban-ghong;LI Yang;Zhu Hong-lei;Deng Qing-jun
Design of Demodulator for Ground Station of Pica-satellite
Zhang Zhen-xin;Wang Tong-xin