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Journal of Chinese Electron Microscopy Society
1999 Issue 5
Effect of Jinlu,an imidazole derivate on ultrastructure of larval silk gland cells of Antheraea yamamai(Lep.:saturniidae)
HONG jian;YE Gong-yin;LING Yong-li;FANG Yue-xian;HU Cui
Comparative study on the maturation and release of classical swine fever virus and sindbis virus
WANG Zhen;LIANG Feng-xia;ZHAI Zhong-he;DING Ming-xiao
A study on the ultrastructure of assimilative organs of some plants in saline habitate
ZHENG Wen-ju;WANG Xun-ling;SHEN Yu-ying
Studies on ultrastructure of stamens abortion during sex determination of ear in maize
ZHAO De-gang;HAN Yu-zhen;GUO Feng-li;FU Yong-fu;MENG Fan-jing
Research on ultrastructural morphology of skeletal muscle during its function change in millisecond
YANG Yong-ji;ZHENG Zun;SHAO Xiao-liang;XIA Jin-hui;YU Hong-yu;WU Yue;JIANG Yong-liang
On the use of the electron microscope for environmental science
QIAN Gong-wang;ZHANG Da-tong
Observation of medium manganese steel during TEM in-situ tension
XIE Jing-pei;ZHU Yao-min;LI Qing-chun;HE Zhen-ming
Investigation of microstructure of titanium alloy weld metals by TEM
HAN Zhong;LIN Hai-chao;CHEN Xiao-feng
TEM observation of silicon phase in squeezed cast SiCp/ZL101 composite
MEI Zhi;HONG Jian-min;ZHAO Xiao-ning
Study on the fracture behavior of the rotaing ring of 50Mn18Cr6 steel
ZHANG Qiong;CAI Chuan-rong
Microstructure study on prehnite by transmission electron microscopy
ZHAO Wen-yu;WANG Qin-yan;SUN Zhen-ya;YE Xian-xian;CHEN Jing-zhong;LIU Xiang-wen;ZHAO Wen-xia
Digital reconstruction of electron holograms and its applications in measurement of electromagnetic microfields
XIAO Ti-qiao;CHEN Jian-wen;ZHANG Ying-ji;XU Hong-jie
Preparation of metal film sample under atmospheric temperature
LI Qiao-ling;YE Yun
Study of a micropositioner used for scanning tunneling microscope(STM)
ZHAO Yu-qing;XUE Xi-cun;XU Jiao;TANG Tian-tong
A summing up of maintainance techniques for computer circuits in EDS
WANG Li;LI Wei-min