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Power System Engineering
2007 Issue 3
Contract Management of International Projects
Influences of Wet FGD System on Power Generating Units
liu de zhi ; zhu yue ; kang da
Development Ideas and Overall Structure of Industrial Boiler CAD on Intelligence
LI Jiu-ru;LIAN Le-ming;DONG Shan
Rapid Test of Each Element in Coal Ash by EDXRF Method
lin mu song ; zhang hong liang ; zhong ding ping ; chen gang
Introduction of Ash Handling System in an Indian Power Plant
YAO Wei-qian
Deep Processing Method of Waste Water from FGD Island
liu yang ; liu de zhi
Measures of Lowering the Emission of SO2 and NOx for CFB
HU Bin-hai
Calculation and Analysis of 300MW Turbine Rotor Online Temperature During Cold Startup
GU Jun-jie;KONG De-qi;WANG Jun-you
Reduction in NOx Emissions using Micronized Coal Reburning Technology
FANG Jiang-tao;SI Dong-bo
Cold Model Experiments on the Characteristic of Secondary Air Injection in CFB Boiler
LIU Jia;CHEN Ji-hui;LU Xiao-feng;LIU Han-zhou
Research and Test on Influence of Boiler Combustion Adjusting on NOx Emission of 330MW Unit
WANG Xue-dong;XIN Hong-chang;LUAN Tao;CHENG Lin
Mechanism Study of Simultaneous Removal of SO2 and NOx by Corona Discharge
wu zu liang ; sun pei de ; li ji wu ; yu quan ; gao xiang ; luo zhong zuo ; zuo ke fa
Analysis and Adjustment of Boiler Outlet Flue Gas Temperature Difference
jiang dian xiang ; tian hai chen
Analysis on Stator Mode and Stability of the Three Gorges Hydro-Generator
LU Bing-quan;LIU Peng-zhang
Research and Elimination of Abnormal Vibration on the Uprating Unit
LIU Jian;TIAN Yun;ZHAO Ya-fan
The Design Characteristic of Supercritical Boiler Water Wall
zhao gui feng ; xu liang ; yang wen bo
Analysis of Main Problems and Countermeasures of Early Self-made CFB Boilers
chen ji hui ; lu xiao feng ; zhao zhi ying ; he zhi ya ; chen jing wei ; zhang hai ying
A New Method for Temperature of the Kindling Point based on Thermal Balance
ZHOU Ying-biao;FAN Du-ping;DUAN Quan-peng;FU Pei-fang
An All-around Slagging Propensity Decision Model for CWS
ye lin ; liu jian zhong ; zhang bao sheng ; zhou jun hu ; zuo ke fa
Study on Desulfurization Characteristics of Industry Alkalinous Wastes
ZHENG Bin;LU Chun-mei;JI Li-xia