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Acta Geologica Sinica
2012 Issue 2
detrital k-feldspar40ar/39ar ages: source constraints of the lower miocene sandstones in the pearl river mouth basin, south china sea
LIU Zaisheng;SHI Hesheng;ZHU Junzhang;QIU Huaning;ZHANG Zhilin;YUN Jianbing
adsorption of lead ( ), copper ( ) on tourmaline from altai mine in china\'s sinkiang
HE Dengliang;YIN Guangfu;DONG Faqin;ZHANG Wei;BIAN Qingquan;SI yunxiang
ground surface ruptures and near-fault, large-scale displacements caused by the wenchuan ms8.0 earthquake derived from pixel offset tracking on synthetic aperture radar images
QU Chunyan;SHAN Xinjian;LIU Yunhua;ZHANG Guohong;SONG Xiaogang;ZHANG Guifang;GUO Liming;HAN Yufei
seismic facies in a deepwater area of a marine faulted basin:deepwater area of the paleogene lingshui formation in the qiongdongnan basin
CHEN Huanqing;ZHU Xiaomin;ZHANG Gongcheng;ZHANG Xilin;ZHANG Qin
control factors and diversities of phase state of oil and gas pools in the kuqa petroleum system
CHEN Ling;ZHU Guangyou;ZHANG Bin;WEN Zhigang;WANG Yonggang
revised chronostratigraphic framework of the metamorphic strata in the jiangnan orogenic belt, south china and its tectonic implications
GAO Linzhi;DING Xiaozhong;ZHANG Chuanheng;CHEN Jun;LIU Yaorong;ZHANG Hang;LIU Xanxue;PANG Weihua
macroscopically-zoned grandite from the garnetite skarn of meka presedla (kopaonik mountain, serbia)
Pavle TAN(C)I(C);Predrag VULI(C);Reinhard KAINDL;Bernhard SARTORY;Radovan DIMITRIJEVI(C)
formation of natural bitumen and its implication for oil/gas prospect in dabashan foreland
LI Rongxi;DONG Shuwen;ZHANG Xue;ZHU Ruijing
petrological implication of the albite rims in the felsic gneisses of the fuping complex
REN Liudong;YANG Chonghui;DU Lilin
trace fossils from lower cambrian wusongger formation in xiaoerbulake outcrop, kalpin area, xinjiang
BAI Zhongkai;Lü Xiuxiang;LIU Xiaoping;XIE Qilai;LI Jianjiao;WU Jianjun
statistical approach for classification of dinosaur eggs from the heyuan basin at the northeast of guangdong province
Kohei TANAKA;Lü Junchang;LIU Yi;HUANG Zhiqing;Yoshitsugu KOBAYASHI;HUANG Dong;Darla K. ZELENITSKY
genetic mechanism of dolomitization in fengcheng formation in the wu-xia area of junggar basin, china
ZHU Shifa;ZHU Xiaomin;NIU Huapeng;HAN Xuefang;ZHANG Yueqian;YOU Xincai
behavior of siderophile and chalcophile elements in the subcontinental lithospheric mantle beneath the changbaishan volcano, ne china
WANG Jian;LIU Jinlin;HATTORI Keiko;XU Wenliang;XIE Zhipeng;SONG Yue
la-icp-ms zircon u-pb geochronology of quartz porphyry from the niutougou gold deposit in songxian county, henan province
WANG Zhongliang;GONG Qingjie;SUN Xiang;WU Fafu;WANG Weixing
seismotectonics of the 26 november 2005 jiujiang-ruichang, jiangxi,ms 5.7 earthquake
HAN Zhujun;LU Fushui;JI Fengju;ZENG Xinfu;An Yanfen