Predictability and Influential Factors on Check-in Behaviors
LU Yang;FAN Chao;HAN Xiao-pu;RONG Zhi-hai;CompleX Lab;Web Sciences Center;University of Electronic Science and Technology of China;College of Arts and Sciences;Shanxi Agricultural University;Institute of Information Economy and Alibaba Business College;Hangzhou Normal University;
Information-Driven Behavior Spread on Social Networks
CHEN Wen-yu;JIA Zhen;ZHU Guang-hu;College of science;Guilin University of Technology;Guangxi Key Laboratory of Space Information and Mapping;School of Mathematics and Computing Science;Guilin University of Electronic Technology;
Study of Outlier Data Mining Algorithm Based on ICA
WANG Li-jun;HE Zheng-wei;FENG Ping-xing;State Key Laboratory of Geohazard Prevention and Geoenvironment Protection;Chengdu University of Technology;College of Geophysics;Chengdu University of Technology;Chengdu College of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China;
Research on Micro-Blog User Recommendation Model
XU Ya-bin;SHI Wei-jie;Computer School of Beijing Information Science &Technology University;Beijing Key Laboratory of Internet Culture and Digital Dissemination Research;Beijing Information Science & Technology University;