Aviation discrete input mechanism and design realization
Hui Xiaoqiang;Li Chang;Deng Guangzhen;AVIC Computing Technique Research Institute;Aviation Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Integrated Circuit and Micro-System Design;Xi′an Xiangteng Microelectronics Technology CO.;LTD;
Power management technology of datacenters
Wang Xin;Zhang Zheng;Zhang Weihua;Software School;Fudan University;Shanghai Key Laboratory of Data Science;State Key Laboratory of Mathematical Engineering and Advanced Computing;
Research and implementation of Web key technologies based on LXI bus
Qin Binyi;Qiu Jie;Zheng Jincun;Dong Jiyou;Electronic and Communication Engineering College;Yulin Normal University;School of Elecrto-Mechanical Engineering;Xidian University;Computer Science and Engineering College;Yulin Normal University;Department of Student Affairs;Yulin Normal University;