Anti-Interference Performance of Cognitive Radar Detection Waveform
YUAN Ru-fang;GAN Rong-bing;TANG Guang-fu;HUANG Jie;Science and Technology on Electronic Information Control Laboratory;China Academy of Telecommunications Technology;Southwest China Research Institution of Electronic Technology;
Parametric Simulation and Design of a Miniaturized PIFA Antenna
LEI Hong;ZHAO Zi-yang;Electromagetic Environment Effect Top Laboratory of Aviation Industry;Shenyang Aircraft Design & Research Institue;College of Electronics Information and Engineering;Shenyang Aerospace University;
Threaten Visualization Based on Battlefield Threat Space
QIAO Xiao-fei;BEI Lei;LIU Kun;LU Jun;Science and Technology on Electronic Information Control Laboratory;The 4th Research Institute of the Second Artillery Equipment Academy;