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Electronic Engineering & Product World
2006 Issue 21
Information Assurance of Global Information Grid
wang yu hong
Design of USB Interface Data Acquisition System Based on ADuC84 1
li yu guo ; li gang ; lin ling
Design of Temperature Controller for Periscope Protective Glass
wang chu qing ; guo gen qi
Design of Active RFID Tag Based MSP430F2012 and IA4420
wang ming lei
Multiple-Path-Identication System Based on RFID
deng hong bo ; zhang yuan jian ; li yu hui ; pu jiang ; diao sui dong
The Design and Test of Fiscal SoC on Godson-1
zhang jie ; jiang yuan
dao de jing de guan li zhi hui ( er )
zhong ling
yu msp430 usi duan kou pei he shi yong ads8361
Tom Hendrick
Selection for PSRR and Noise of LDO Used in RF Circuit
ren ming yan
Image Process Channel of DSC
hong yu jiang
Looking Ahead: The Implications of HSDPA in 3G Handset Design
Bill Krenik
The Benefits of FPGA Coprocessing
Tom Hill
Processor: the Key of FPGA Based Embedded Solution
he zuo
Implementation of Web Browser for Embedded Systems Konqueror/E
lu yun kun ; yu jian ; zhao li ; zou cai rong
BRICs: New Growing Economic Group of the World
shao yu
The Challenge of Digital RF Test
tai ke gong si
New Automotive Test Platform based on Vitual Instrument
xing yong hong
Virtual Oscilloscope System Design Using Labwindows/CVI and SBS Real-Time Optical Network
xu xiao chao ; li jun ; song wen yan