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Electronic Engineering & Product World
2003 Issue 24
Deep Memory Scopes: The New Tools of Choice
Jay Alexander
Variable Speed Fan Drive System with Airflow Pressure Monitoring
liu qing feng ; wang ming zhe
High-Performance Harmony Power Supply Based on DSP
jiang hui ; tao ran
Locomotive Phone Implemented by Epld
wang wei zuo ; ma jin ming ; ding xiao ming
Design and Applications for 1-Wire Digital Thermometer DS18B20
yu yong xue ; ge jian
Using OPA2350 to Drive an A/D Converter
li ri zhong ; wei li an
tong yong ji cheng dian lu
tong xin ji suan ji wang luo
wu yuan yu fen li qi jian
lian jie qi yu lan xian
pcb dian yuan yu mo kuai
ce shi chuan gan qi
wei bo yu rf qi jian
guang dian yu xian shi qi jian
feng zhuang wai ke cai liao
PXI Brings Automated Test Equipment To Every Desktop
Mike Trimborn
Handheld vs. Bench DMMs: No Longer a Clear Cut Choice
Duane Smith
Optoelectronics ATE On a PCI Platform
Paul D.Meyer
Wireless Modules: Big Benefits in Little Packages
David McCartney
Top Choices for High Performance 10 Gb/s Transport
Claude Denton
OFDM for Mobile Data & Spectrum Efficiency
Jim Durcan
Smart Antenna Experiments for 3G and 4G Cellular Systems
Rodger Hosking
shou ji shi chang chi xu huo re
pda chu huo liang ji xu wei suo
dsp shi chang biao xian chu se
jia yong dian qi zhong ji dian qi de cai gou ce lue
yi ping
MPEG-4 Opens New Communication Age
Andrew Burt
Race to Meet Bandwidth Demands for Processing System Architecture
Richard Jaeniche
Remotely Managing Your Devices
William Dowell
ji dian san re qi jian