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Journal of Southern Medical University
2011 Issue 3
Alteration of telomere length of the peripheral white blood cells in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
LIN Li;LI Tao-ping Nanfang Hospital;Southern Medical University;Guangzhou 510515;China
Common dysregulated genes and pathways in two sets of nasopharyngeal carcinoma biopsy samples from differential regions
XIONG Yi-ying;HUANG Zhong-xi Cancer Institute;Southern Medical University;Guangzhou 510515;China
Risk factors of premature rupture of membranes with neonatal infection:a single-center study
JIN Jin;ZHANG Yan;WANG Zhi-jian;ZHONG Mei;YU Yan-hong Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics;Nanfang Hospital;Southern Medical University;Guangzhou 510515;China
Effect of short-term intensive therapy with glimepiride and metformin in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetic patients
WANG Min1;GAO Fang2;XUE Yao-ming2;HAN Ya-juan2;FU Xia-jun2;HE Fei-ying2 1Department of Endocrinology and Tuberculosis;Guangzhou Chest Hospital;Guangzhou 510095;China;2Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism;Nanfang Hospital;Southern Medical University;Guangzhou 510515;China
A case report of Wautersia sepsis infection
GAO Fang;XUE Yao-ming;LU Wen;WEI Wei-ping Department of endocrinology;Nanfang Hospital;Southern Medical University;Guangzhou 510515;China
Expression of Gluc-Fluc dual luciferase plasmid after transfection into MB49 bladder cells
ZHANG Xin-ji;SHI Xiao-jun;SUN Peng-yu;ZHANG Zhe-huan;FU Xin-yang;TAN Wan-long Department of Urinary Surgery;Nanfang Hospital;Southern Medical University;Guangzhou 510515;China
Alteration of PTEN gene expression affects the migration of human airway smooth muscle cells in vitro
GAO Yang1;ZHONG Hao-hai2;LUO Ya-ling1;LAI Wen-yan3;XU Jian4;ZHANG Da-cheng5;LAN Hai-bing11Department of Respiratory Diseases;3Department of Cardiology;4Department of Kidney Transplantation;Nanfang Hospital;Southern Medical University;Guangzhou 510515;China;2Department of Respiratory Diseases;Huizhou Central Hospital;Huizhou 516000;China;5Department of Respiratory Diseases;Huarui Hospital;Southern Medical University;Guangzhou 510630;Chin
Effect of platelet-rich plasma on the proliferation and adipogenic differentiation of human adipose-derived stem cells in vitro
ZHANG Yun-song1;HE Jing-hua2;XIAO Guan-ying3;LI Qing-mei3 1Department of Plastic Surgery;3Institute of Medical Experiment;Guangzhou Red Cross Hospital;Jinan University;Guangzhou 510220;China;2Department of General Practice;Zhujiang Hospital;Southern Medical University;Guangzhou 510282;China
Characterization of the biological activities of lyophilized recombinant adenovirus expressing the triple mutant of hypoxia inducible factor-1α
TAO Yu;WANG Yue-gang;WEI Xuan;LIU Cheng;CHEN Dong-dong;WU Ping-sheng Department of Cardiology;Nanfang hospital;Southern medical University Guangzhou;510515;China
Establishment of a nasopharyngeal carcinoma cell line CNE1 stably overexpressing ebv-miR-BART7 mediated by lentivirus
YUAN Cun-cun1;CAI Hong-bing2;HUANG Yu-qi3;YE Yan-fen1;ZHAO Man-li1;Lü Xiao-ming1;LI Xin1 Cancer Research Institute1;Laboratory of Molecular Biology;School of Traditional Chinese Medicine2;Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery;Nanfang Hospital3;Southern Medical University;Guangzhou 510515;China
Volumetric measurement of pericardial and intrathoracic adipose tissues using coronary computed tomography angiography in patients with coronary heart disease
WU Jian;ZHANG Xing-hua;JU Hai-yue;ZHANG Fan;YANG Li Department of Radiology;General Hospital of PLA;Beijing 100853;China
Effect of glypican-3 on the proliferation of human hepatoma cell line MHCC97-L in vitro
QIN Ru-zhai;LIU Fei-ye;CHEN Bin;XIE Jian-ming;YANG Yang;ZHEGN Da-yong;LUO Rong-cheng Oncology Center;Nanfang Hospital;Southern Medical University;Guangzhou 510515;China
Clinical analysis of 12 cases of ovarian carcinosarcoma
ZHU An-na;LI Jun-dong;FENG Yan-ling;XU Man-man;ZHUANG Yuan Department of Gynecologic Oncology;Cancer Center;Sun Yat-sen University/State Key Laboratory of Oncology in South China;Guangzhou 510060;China
Pathological features and origin of primary pineal mixed germ cell tumors
XIAO Gang;FANG Lu-xiong;QIU Bing-hui;QI song-tao Department of Neurosurgery;Nanfang Hospital;Southern Medical University;Guangzhou 510515;China
Relations between serum adipocyte fatty acid-binding protein and type 2 diabetes in a community population
YE Wen-hui;PENG Xiang-hang;AI Ya-qin;CHEN Hong;ZHANG Hua;CAI De-hong Department of Endocrinology;Zhujiang Hospital;Southern Medical University;Guangzhou 510282;China
Analysis of the clinical manifestations and magnetic resonance imaging features of 11 patients with lissencephaly
LI Bing-xiao;GUO Li;SONG Yuan-zong Department of Pediatrics;First Affiliated Hospital;Jinan University;Guangzhou 510632;China
Expression and functional role of small conductance Ca~(2+)-activated K~+ channels in human atrial myocytes
YU Tao1;3;WU Ruo-bin1;GUO Hui-ming1;DENG Chun-yu2;ZHENG Shao-yi1;KUANG Su-juan2 Department of Cardiac Sugery1;Medical Research Center2;Guangdong Cardiovascular Institute;Guangdong General Hospital;Guangdong Academy of Medical Sciences;Guangzhou 510080;China;3Department of Cardiac Surgery;Second Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical College;Guangzhou 510260;China
Establishment of BGC-823/WTX-EGFP gastric cancer cell line stably expressing Wilms tumor gene on X chromosome
CHENG Ke-xu;WANG Qi-ming;HUANG Yi-zhe;WU Huan;ZHANG Qing-ling Department of Pathology;Nanfang Hospital;Southern Medical University;Department of Pathology;College of Basic Medicine;Southern Medical University;Guangzhou 510515;China
Association of elevated uric acid with metabolic disorders and analysis of the risk factors of hyperuricemia in type 2 diabetes mellitus
WU Dan1;LIU Hong2;LI Shen-heng1 1Department of Nephropathy;2Department of Geriatrics;Zhujiang Hospital;Southern Medical University;Guangzhou 510282;China
Effect of intrathecal ketamine injection on protein kinase C expression in the spinal dorsal horn of rats with formalin-induced pain
YANG Yong;GUO Qu-lian;ZOU Wang-yuan;WANG E;YAN Jian-qin Department of Anesthesiology;Xiangya Hospital;Central South University;Changsha 410008;China
Characterization of specific monoclonal antibodies to Aspergillus conidia by flow cytometry
YU Nan;YUAN Xiao-peng;JIN Jing;HAO Wei;WANG Yan-fang;CHE Xiao-yan Center of Clinical Laboratory Diagonosis;Zhujiang Hospital;Southern Medical University;Guangzhou 510282;China
Oblique-sagittal black-blood contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging in preoperative evaluation for carotid endarterectomy
WANG Qing-jun1;2;WANG Yong1;CAI Jian-ming1;ZHAO Ting-qiang1;MA Lin1;CAI You-quan1;CHEN Li-feng3;WANG Zhan-bo4 1Department of Radiology;3Department of Neurosurgery;4Department of Pathology;General Hospital of PLA;Beijing 100853;China;2Department of Radiology;General Navy Hospital;Beijing 100037;China
Autopsy of a fetus with Apert syndrome and review of the literature
zhou jie deng yong jian si ma xue qin wu guan xin
Effect of glucocorticoid treatment on the clinical outcome of patients with early-stage liver failure
WU Jin-yu;LI Ming;ZHANG Hua Department of Hepatology;Jiujiang Third People’s Hospital;Jiujiang 33200;China
Efficacy of regional administration of urokinase and argatroban via small saphenous vein catheter for treatment of acute deep venous thrombosis in the lower limb
ZHOU Zhong-xin1;PAN Chun-qiu2;FU Fang-yong2;LIN Zhi-qi1;LIU Zheng-jun1 1Department of Vascular Surgery;2Emergency Department;Nanfang Hospital;Southern Medical University;Guangzhou 510515;China
Enlarged mesenteric lymph nodes in children:a clinical analysis with ultrasonography and the implications
WANG Wen-gang1;TIAN Hui1;YAN Ji-ying2;LI Tao1;ZHANG Tong-di1;ZHAO Ya-pei1;ZHANG Li-yan1;XING Heng-guo1 1Department of Ultrasonography;Second Hospital of Hebei Medical University;Shijiazhuang 050000;China;2Chest Hospital of Hebei Province;Shijiazhuang 050000;China
Gene expression profiling of nasopharyngeal carcinoma cell line 5-8F-EGFP and the liver metastatic 5-8F-H3B-EGFP cells
HAN Chun1;YANG Jun-lan1;YAO Kai-tai2 1Department of Oncology;General Hospital of PLA;Beijing 100853;China;2Cancer Institute;Southern Medical University;Guangzhou 510515;China
A distributed storage architecture for regional medical image sharing and cooperation based on HDFS
LI Peng-jun1;CHEN Guang-jie2;GUO Wen-ming1 1Network Center;2School of Biomedical Engineering;Southern Medical University;Guangzhou 510515;China
Echocardiographic evaluation of pressure overload-induced cardiac remodeling in mice using different ultrasound machines
ZHAO Jing1;ZENG Zhi1;YAN Liang3;JI LI-jing2;LUO Tao1;BIN JIAN-ping2;LIAO YU-lin1 1Department of Pathophysiology;School of Basic Medical Sciences;Southern Medical University;2Department of Cardiology;Nanfang Hospital;Southern Medical University;Guangzhou 510515;China;3Laboratory of Pathophysiology;School of Medicine;Jinan University;Guangzhou 510632;China
Efficacy of immunoadsorption therapy in the treatment of myasthenia gravis and the mechanism
LI Qi-lin1;XIE Fu-hua2;LUO Yong-sheng3 1Department of neurology Hengyang County;Hunan Province People’s Hospital 421000;China;2Department neurology;Second Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical College 510000;China;3Department of Internat Medicine;Futian District;Shenzhen Second People’s Hospital Medical 518049;China
Neuroendocrine tumors of the kidney:report of 3 cases and review of the literature
XIA Qing;LIU Dong-geng;JIANG Wen-qi Department of Medical Oncology;Sun Yat-Sen University Cancer Center;Guangzhou 510060;China
Circulating endothelial cell injury in on-pump and off-pump coronary-artery bypass grafting
SONG Tie-niu;GAO Bing-ren;ZHAO Qi-ming Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery;Second Hospital of Lanzhou University;Lanzhou 730030;China
Effect of granulocyte colony stimulating factor EPC on cardiac function in patients with heart failure after myocardial infarction
ZHAO Zi-lin;XU Ding-li;GUO Zhi-gang;WU Ping-sheng;SHEN An-na Department of Cardiology;Nanfang Hospital;Southern Medical University;Guangzhou 510515;China
Association between cell apoptosis and the quality of early mouse embryos
YU Min1;2;QIU Zhuo-lin1;LI Hong1;ZENG Wei-sen3;CHEN Lei-ning1;LI Qiu-hua1;QUAN Song1 1Center of Reproductive Medicine;Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology;Nanfang Hospital;3Department of Cell Biology;Southern Medical University;Guangzhou 510515;China;2Assisted Reproductive Center;Jiangxi Maternal and Child Health Hospital;Nanchang 330006;China
Effect of polyI:C on secretion of thymic stromal lymphopoietin and airway inflammation in mice with respiratory syncytial virus-induced asthma exacerbation
XIA Hu1;YU Hua-peng1;LUO Li-min2;CAI Shao-xi3 1Department of Respiratory Disease;Zhujiang Hospital;Southern Medical University;Guangzhou 510282;China;2Department of Infectious Disease;458 Hospital of PLA;Guangzhou 510602;China;3Department of Respiratory Disease;Nanfang Hospital;Southern Medical University;Guangzhou 510515;China
Evaluations of pre-thromboembolic state in patients undergoing total abdominal or laparoscopic hysterectomy
GAO Yun-fei1;ZHANG Guang-liang1;ZHONG Mei1;LIU Jian2 1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology;Nanfang Hospital;Southern Medical University;Guangzhou 510515;China;2Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology;Yuebei People’s Hospital;Shaoguan 512026;China
A two-step protocol for induction of rat adipose tissue-derived stem cells into neuron-like cells
CHEN Pan-pan1;ZHANG Li-hua2;DONG Wei-ren1;LIU Jie-ming3;ZHANG Yi1;QIAO Wei-guang1;CHEN Ying-hua1;ZHAO Shu1;GUO Jia-Song1 1Department of Embryology and Histology;School of Basic Medical Sciences;Southern Medical University;Guangzhou 510515;China;2School of Medicine;Foshan University;Foshan 528000;China;3Department of Neurosurgery;Shunde People’s Hospital;Shunde 528300;China
Effect of HIV-1gp41 ectodomain on Cryptococcus neoformans-induced cytoskeletal changes in human brain microvascular endothelial cells
LONG Min1;CAO Hong1;Ambrose Jong2 1Department of Medical Microbiology;School of Public Health and Tropic Medicine;Southern Medical University;Guangzhou 510515;China;2Divisions of Hematology-Oncology and Infectious Diseases;Children’s Hospital Los Angeles;Keck School of Medicine of USC;Los Angeles;CA 90027;USA
Trichostatin A inhibits the activation of CD4+ T cells by suppressing CD28 expression in mice
WEI Qiang1;WEN Xiao-yun2;DU Chuan-fu1;WU Shao-yu2;YE Jun-sheng1;LI Zhong-hai1 Department of Organ Transplantation;Nanfang Hospital1;School of Pharmaceutical Science2;Southern Medical University;Guangzhou 510515;China
Comparison of two techniques for expression and purification of glycogen synthase kinase 3β
XU Shao-fei1;XU Jie2;LI Ming-tao1 1Proteomics Center;Zhongshan School of Medicine;2Department of Human Anatomy;Zhongshan School of Medicine;Sun Yat-sen University;Guangzhou 510080;China
qu gu yi jun su a yi zhi xiao shu cd4+t xi bao huo hua de ji zhi
wei qiang wen xiao zuo
Impact of HLA compatibility on the outcome of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for chronic myeloid leukemia
ZHANG Yu;CHEN Yin-kui;FAN Zhi-ping;XU Dan;JIANG Qian-li;SUN Jing;LIU Qi-fa Department of Hematology;Nanfang Hospital;Southern Medical University;Guangzhou 510515;China
Therapeutic effect of subtotal gastrectomy and Roux-en-Y gastrojejunostomy on type 2 diabetes mellitus in non-obese patients
FENG Chao;YAO Ruo-quan;HUANG Fei-zhou;NIE Wan-pin;LIU Xun-yang Department of General Surgery;Third Xiangya Hospital of Central South University;Changsha 410013;China
Stem cell factor promotes the proliferation and osteogenic differentiation of stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth
LU Juan-ying1;GAO Jie2;MA Dan-dan2;CHEN Ting2 1Department of Stomatology;Armed Police Forces Hospital of Production and Construction Corps;Urumchi 830063;China;2Department of Stomatology;Nanfang Hospital;Southern Medical University;Guangzhou 510515;China