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University Education Science
2002 Issue 2
Emotional Feeling is the Key to Moral Education
zhang qiu liang
On Nourishing Student’s Talented Characteristics
chen kun hua
A Study on Quality Assurance System of Graduate Education
wang bing ; ma xian guo
A Discussion on Graduate Training Mode
zhao li
Curriculum Reform to the Basic Computer Training in Non-computer-specialties
hu zhong wang ; zuo xin nian
An Exploration to the Curriculum System in Network Journalism and Publicity
liang zuo ; li zhen sheng
Approaching the Financial Specialty Construction in 21st Century
peng jian gang ; chen xin guo ; long hai ming
A Survey to Multimedia Education Networks in Campus
deng yan ping
The Reform and Practice of Experiment Teaching System in Electric Engineering and Electronics
chen yi jun ; zhou jing guang ; yi ying ping
The Status of Case Study in Management Competency Education
tian jian ; zhang guang ming ; jia xi ; liu wen ; xia wen li
On the Artistic Aspect of Pedagogy in Physics
liu xiang ru ; liu yue min