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Cryogenics and Superconductivity
2014 Issue 5
The design and research of helium recovery device
Li Zhun;Tian Feng;Wang ZeZhang;Zhang ShiJie;Zhou ZhiQiang;Shi Yong;Kang Lei;Fu Kai;Zhang MingYu;National Institute of Metrology P. R. China;
The stability analysis of the cable-in-conduit conductor for ITER correction coil
Zhou Wei;Fang Jin;Wu Weiyue;Lu Kangkang;Zheng Xiaodong;Liu Bin;Song Wenjuan;Beijing Jiaotong University;Institute of Plasma Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Design and performances of a cryogenic septum polarizer
Wang Shengwang;Li Jiaojiao;Wang Mingfeng;Zhong Weiye;Li Bin;The 16th Institute of CETC;R & D Center of Cryoelectronics;CETC;Shanghai Astronomical Observatory;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
The operation mechanism of cryoprotective-agent and experimental study on cryopreservation of biological materials
Lv Weimin;Huang Gangmei;Zeng Ye;Jiang Hongqiang;Zhang Zhongmin;Zhejiang Institute of Medical Divices;
Comparison between process types of full-liquid ASU based on LNG cold energy
Zheng Xiaoping;Peng Xikui;Pei Hongzhen;R&D Institute of Kaifeng Air Separation Group Co.;Ltd.;
Overview of gas bearing technology application status in space Stirling cryocooler and convertor
Zhai Wenying;Wang Bo;Kong Zhongke;Wang Jianzhong;The 16th Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation;
Electromagnetic design of HTS TF D-shaped coils
Liu Hao;Tang Yuejin;Ren Li;Deng Xuzhi;Zhang Yi;R D Center of Applied Superconductivity;State Key Lab. of AEEE;Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
Analysis of the effect of additional magnetic field intensity on HTS magnetic levitation force
Song Wenjuan;Fang Jin;Qiu Ming;Lu Kangkang;Zheng Xiaodong;Liu Bin;Zhou Wei;School of Electrical Engineering;Beijing Jiaotong University;Superconducting Electricity Institute;China Electric Power Research Institute;
AC current source developed for superconducting magnet
Cao Kunnan;Tang Yuejin;Hu Nannan;Song Meng;Wang Dada;Dong Shengxi;Xie Yang;Zou zhifei;Yunnan Electric Power Research Institute;Huazhong University of Science and Technology;State Key laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and Technology;
Study on static magnetic field for single solenoidal HTS magnet based on ANSYS
Wang Jingjing;Luo Yinghong;Yang Yang;Wei Wei;School of Automation and Electrical Engineering;Lanzhou Jiaotong University;
Effect of secondary structural parameters on HTS LIM electromagnetic properties
Liu Bin;Fang Jin;Cao Junci;Zhang Yunxin;Lu Kangkang;Zheng Xiaodong;Song Wenjuan;Zhou Wei;School of Electrical Engineering;Beijing Jiaotong University;
The optimization design of adiabatic capillary flow characteristics based on genetic algorithm-neural networks
Shang Feng;Wu Gang;Li Xiang;Bi Ke;Zhang;Qingzhi;Ma Ji;Tang Zhiying;College of Naval Architecture and Power;Naval University of Engineering;
Numerical simulation of the flow boiling heat transfer based on micro-channel scale effect in cold-plate
Zhang Sai;Liu Xiangnong;Yang Youjin;Qin Bei’e;Wang Nengfei;Department of Refrigeration and Cryogenics;Hefei University of Technology;
Performance research of a combined dual different temperature heat sources and cascade high temperature heat pump
Zhou Guanghui;Liu Yaping;Liu Yin;Feng Shiwei;Energy and Environment Institute;Zhongyuan University of Technology;
The application and development of HFO-1234yf in air conditioning system
Jin Tingxiang;Xu Ran;Li Gailian;Song Liuhuan;Yang Binbin;School of Mechanical & Electricity Engineering;Zhengzhou University of Light Industry;Guangdong Chigo Air-Conditioning Co.;Ltd;
Study on interface anisotropy influencing on ice crystal growth using phase-field model
Yuan Xunfeng;Jing Weiqiang;Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering College;Shangluo University;Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Comprehensive Utilization of Tailing Resources;Shangluo University;
Experimental performance evaluation for a refrigerant compressor condensing unit under various suction temperatures
Pan Yamei;Huang Hu;Zhang Zhongbin;Wang Qing;Fu Yu;School of Energy and Mechanical Engineering;Nanjing Normal University;Cold Chain Co.;Ltd.;Taizhou Southerly;
The performance study on microchannel evaporator in R404a cryogenic system
Shen Zhiyuan;Liu Bin;Yin Hui;Dong Xiaoyong;Key Laboratory for Refrigeration Technology in Tianjin;Tianjin University of Commerce;
Research on load allocation performance optimization in distributed refrigerating system
Yang Dafei;Liuzhou Vocational & Technical College;
Tapping mode dynamic atomic force microscopy based on higher-order resonance cantilever
Zhao Yang;Huang Qiangxian;School of Instrument Science and Opto-Electronic Engineering;Hefei University of Technology;College of Electronic and Information Engineering;Anhui Jianzhu University;