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Chinese Journal of Zoology
2001 Issue 3
Advance in Research on Organism Heat Shock Response
CHANG Yun-Hua;XU Cun-shuan
The Sociality and Its Evolution in Carnivores
PENG Jian-jun;JIANG Zhi-Gang;HU Jin-chu
Snake Venom and Apoptosis
CHEN Yong;LIU Jie-sheng;Xing Shao-jing
The Status and Preservation of the Bear's Resources in Jilin Province
FENG Jiang;JIANG Yun-Lei;LI Zhen-xin;SHENG Lian-Xi
Investigation of Winter Birds and Diversity in the East Dongting Lake
DENG Xue-Jian;WANG Bin;LEI Gang
A Study on Birdbanding in 1999 Spring in Maoershan,Heilongjiang Province
CHANG Jia-Chuan;LI Jun-Tao;SHEN Xiao-ming
Breeding of Himalayan Snow Cock in Captivity
LI Shi-Xia;WEI Jian-Hui
Methods for the Measurement of Susceptibility of Spider to Pesticides
PENG Yu;WANG Yin-Chang;HAN Zhao-Jun
Technique of Chromosome on Spider Blood Cell
WANG Zhi;YAN Heng-mei
Food Habits of Golden Takin
ZENG Zhi-Gao;SONG Yan-ling;ZHONG Wen-Qin;GONG Hui-Sheng;ZHANG Jian;DANG Gao-di
Hand Rearing of Tree Shrews
LI Yuan;Karen Baumgartner;Denise MacMillan;Bill D.Roebuck
The Study of Microvasculature of Glandular Mucosa of Rat Stomach during Developing and Aged
LI Jian;ZHANG Jian;DUAN Xiang-lin
The Histological Studies on the Ovary of Buteo lagopus
XIAO Yi-Xiu;QIU You-Xiang
Preliminary Study of Standard Metabolic Rate in Scarlet Grosbeak(Carpodacus erythrinus)
LIU Jin-Song;WANG Yan;LI Huo-Ran
Distribution and Morphology Observation of 5-Hydroxytryptamine Immunoreactive Cells in the Digestive Tract of Pachytriton labiatum
ZHANG Sheng-Zhou;CHEN Dong-Sheng;ZHANG Zhi-Qiang;WU Xiao-bing;CHEN Bi-hui;WU Jing-Qiu
Preliminary Investigation of Amiphioxus in Changli
CAO Yu-ping;YAN Lu-Na;Xie Song;LIU Zhen
The Species Composition and Quantity Distribution of the Chitons in the Rocky Intertidal Zone of the Islands in the South Zhejiang
ZHANG Yong-pu;YING Xue-ping;HUANG Xiang-dong;XIANG Qi-Hang;FENG Zhi-Yan
Biology Effective Assessment to shellfishes of Intermediate Host in Different Parasitic with Plant Extraction of Solanum xanthocarpum
XU Xing-jian;WEI Feng-hua;LIU Jian-bing;DAI Yu-hai;YANG Xian-Xiang;LI Wen-xin;YIN Rong-hua;HAO Li-Qin;SHENG Gui-Lian;Georges Dussart;Jackie Trigwell