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Zoological Research
2002 Issue 2
xin jiang niao lei ming lu jin qi chu ban
ma ming
yun nan fa xian bai tou he he bai yao gou zuo
quan rui chang ; wen xian ji
A Report of Birds Banding and Recovery in Xinjiang,China
ma ming ;pau j.leader;geoff j.carey;barry williams
Observations on the Breeding Habits of Green-backed Herons(Butorides striatus)
cao lei ; lu shan xiang ; yang jie pin ; shen xian sheng
Acute Lethal Effect of Two Insect Growth Regulators on Liposcelis entomophila (Psocoptera:Liposcelididae)
ding wei ;eli shaaya; wang jin jun ; zhao zhi mo ; gao fei
AFLP Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Bombyx mandarina in China
lu cheng ; zhao ai chun ; xiang zhong huai ; wan chun ling
Practice and Recent Advance of Mammalian Gender Pre-selection
ma jun ; pei zuo jin ; ji wei zhi
Mechanisms of Invasion and Adaptation and Management Strategies of Alien Leafminers
chen bing ; zhao yun xian ; kang le
Preliminary Study on Phylogeny of Diplura
zuo yun xia ; xie rong dong ; yin wen ying
Histological Studies on Testes Development of the Mud Crab,Scylla serrata
ye hai hui ; li shao zuo ; huang hui yang ; wang gui zhong
Soil Fauna Community and Bio-assessment of Soil Acidity in Beach Land of Eastern Shanghai
ke xin ; yue qiao yun ; fu rong shu ; xie rong dong ; weng chao lian ; yang yi ming ; yin wen ying
Feeding Behavioral Strategy of Rhinolophus pearsoni in Summer
zhou jiang ; xie jia zuo ; dai qiang ; zeng ya jun ; liu jian zuo ; zhang wen gang ; zhang shu yi
Comparative Study of the Biological Activities of the Skin Secretions from Six Common Chinese Amphibians
lai zuo ; zhao yu ; yang dong ming ; cha hong guang ; li wen hui ; zhang yun
Studies on Factors Affecting the Development of Emb-ryos from Somatic Cell Nuclear Transplantation in the Fish
liu tong ming ; yu xiao mu ; ye yu zhen ; wang zhong wei ; zhou jian feng ; wu qing jiang
Studies on Microsatellite Markers of Four Artificially Gynogenetic Families in Ornamental Carp
liu jing xia ; zhou li ; zhao zhen shan ; gui jian fang