Design of a Stability and Security Control System for Shentou District in North China
Sun Guanghui et al Nanjiang Automation Research Institute;P. O. Box 323;Nanjing;ChinaZhang Daonong Electric Power Design Institute of North China;Liupukang;Dewai;Beijing ChinaLu Shihe et al Shanxi Province Electric Power Design Institute;Taiyuan;ChinaHou Xiaozheng et al Shanxi.Province Electric Power Bureau Dispatching Center;Taiyuan;Chian
State Estimation of North China Power System
Li Xiaofeng Liu Guangyi Wang XingGeneral Dispatching Centre;EPRI;Ministry of Electric Power Industry;North China Power Group Corporation Qinghe;Beijing;China32 Zaolin Qianjie;Baiguang Lu;Beijing;China