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Journal of the Fourth Military Medical University
2009 Issue 18
ning meng suan tou xi zai gao wei chu xue tou xi huan zhe zhong de ying yong guan cha
zuo hai rong fu yu wang zhang hua
Construction of adenoviral expression vector carrying FLIP gene and its expression in rat pulmonary vascular endothelial cells
QU Shuo-Yao;OUYANG Hai-Feng;TI Xin-Yu;XUE Yan;WU Chang-Gui Department of Respiratory;Xijing Hospital;Fourth Military Medical University;Xi’an 710033;China
a mo xi lin lian he guo jiao zuo zhi liao man xing wei suo xing wei yan lin chuang guan cha
han jing rui zhang chang yun liu yan
Hypermethylation of CpG island at p16 gene promoter in gastric carcinomas
LUO Chong;ZHOU Yong-Ning;GUO Xian;YANG Yong-Cheng Department of Gastroenterology;First Hospital;Lanzhou University;Lanzhou 730000;China
te ying xing pi yan he gao ige zong he zheng de jian bie zhen duan
shen hua xiao yue yuan fu meng liao wen jun li cheng xin
A new method of preparing baicalein
ZHOU Jian;DU Yong-Feng;ZHANG Wen-Guang Department of Applied Chemistry;School of Science;Northwestern Polytechnical University;Xi’an 710129;China
cheng ren zuo wei bu ji tai liu he bing gan ran chang qi wu zhen 1 li
li he chen jin cai chen gang wang dan liu hao
fu mo hou tu jing fu qiang jing shen di lin ba guan jie zha shu zhi liao ru mi niao
luo hong xing tang zhi min tian wu
Coexpressing EGFP and rat Ang-1 gene of recombinate lentivirus transfects to the cultured rat bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells in vitro
ZHANG Yang1;2;ZHANG Zhi-Jian2;3;CHEN Bai-Ling2;CHEN Dong-Ping2;WU Xiu-Li21Department of Physiology and Pathophysiology;Fujian Medical University;Fuzhou 350004;China;2Fujian Provincial Institute of Neurology;3Department of Neurology;First Affiliated Hospital;Fujian Medical University;Fuzhou 350005;China
Depth monitoring of anesthesia during operation of liver transplantation
SHEN Xin;ZHANG Yi-Chang;ZHAO Ge;CHEN Ya-Li Department of Anesthesia;First Affiliated Hospital;Medical School;Xi’an Jiaotong University;Xi’an 710061;China
Clinical observation of colloidal chromium phosphate combined with cisplatin in treatment of malignant pleural effusion
DAI Ru-Qi1;LI Shi-Yun1;ZHONG Xiao-Jie21Department of Nuclear Medicine;2Department of Neck and Chest Oncosurgery;Hainai Provincial People’s Hospital;Haikou 570311;China
Comparison of clinical effect between etomidate and propofol in analgesic artificial abortion
HUANG Dong-Lin;XIU Yu-Fang;XIAO Long Department of Anesthesia;Gynecology and Obstetrics Hospital;Dalian 116033;China
qian hou lian he ru lu zhi liao aoc xing zuo jiu gu zhe 31 li
zuo ye guang wu xing guo zhou dong sheng
Cloning and expression of Nkx2.2 in C6 cells
WANG Wei;WANG Tao;XU Qing;GUAN Lu-Yuan;ZHANG Bin Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology;Fourth Military Medical University;Xi’an 710033;China
Effects of emodin on K562 leukemia cells apoptosis and Caspase-3 expression in vitro
JIN Dan-Ting;LIU Bei-Zhong;LIU Chang;WANG Chun-Guang;WANG Chong;WANG Dong-Sheng;HAO Po;ZHONG Liang MOE Key Laboratory of Laboratory Medical Diagnostics;Chongqing Medical University;Chongqing 400016;China
Comparison of mental health of three-gorge migrants: latter resettled migrants versus outside moving migrants
LIU Qin;WANG Yang;WANG Hong;ZHANG Zhuan School of Public Health;Chongqing Medical University;Chongqing 400016;China
Construction of eukaryotic expression vector of MyD88 gene and detection of its expression
SHEN Rui-Ming;LING Cai-Hong;HUANG Qiao-Jia Fuzong Clinical College;Fujian Medical University;Fuzhou 350025;China
A study of mental health and organizational factors of rescue soldiers
ZHAO Lei1;MIAO Dan-Min1;ZHU Xia1;ZHI Ting-Ting2 1Department of Psychology;School of Aerospace Medicine;Fourth Military Medical University;Xi’an 710032;China;2PLA 73301 Troops;Fuzhou 350007;China
Effect of carthamus tinctorius on connective tissue growth factor expression in hypertrophic scar of rabbit’s ears
LIU Yan1;FU Yue-Xian1;TANG Kai-Yong2;ZHU Jin2;QIU Lin1;TIAN Xiao-Fei1;GAN Li-Qiang1;XIAO Jun11Department of Burns and Plastic Surgery;2Department of Pathology;Children’s Hospital;Chongqing Medical University;Chongqing 400014;China
HLA-A gene polymorphism in Fujian Han population with HBV-induced liver cirrhosis
LI Dong-Liang1;ZHENG Jian-Yong2;PENG Jing-Zhou1;ZHAO Shu-Min3;YANG Cai-Sheng1;LIN Xiao-Qing1;CHENG Bian-Qiao11Departemnt of Hepatobiliary Medicine;Fuzhou General Hospital;Nanjing Military Area Command;Fuzhou 350025;China;2Hospital of Digestive Diseases;Fourth Military Medical University;Xi’an 710033;China;3Department of Infectious Diseases;Changzheng Hospital;Second Military Medical University;Shanghai 200003;China
Using comparative genomics to analyze the function of human NDRG2
JIANG Ning1;LIU Xue-Wu2;LIU Wen-Chao1;LIU Xin-Ping21Department of Clinical Oncology;State Key Discipline of Cell Biology;Xijing Hospital;2Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology;Fourth Military Medical University;Xi’an 710033;China
xi guan jie jing shou shu yun yong gu shen jing zu zhi ma zui de hu li guan cha
liu pan pan qi fu jun li hong chen yan wang ru na mei xiao li
zi ni jiang ya wan zhi liao yuan fa xing gao xue ya liao xiao fen xi
tian rui qin hao hai shui tian xiao di
Differentiation of U937 cells induced by Matrine and its mechanism
LU Qian-Wei1;CHEN Jian-Bin1;TANG Wei-Xue2;YANG Ze-Song1;GE Qun-Fang1;LIAO Yang11Department of Hematology;First Affiliated Hospital;2Department of Pathophysiology;Chongqing Medical University;Chongqing 400016;China
Establishment and significance of immortal lymphoblastoid cell lines of familial adenomatous polyposis
WANG Li-Xin1;WEI Jun1;YANG Bao-Zhen1;PAN Yue-Ying1;ZHANG Dong2;SHI Xin-Rong2 Medical Laboratory Center;Affiliated Hospital;Ningxia Medical University;Yinchuan 750004;China
Effect of oleanolic acid on proliferation and cell cycle block of human lung adenoma A549
WEI Xiao-Hong1;MA Ai-Qun2;SHAO Jie3;WANG Jun-Hui1;MENG Jun-Hui11Department of Respiratory Medicine;2Department of Cardiovascular Diseases;First Affiliated Hospital;School of Medicine;Xi’an Jiaotong University;Xi’an 710061;China;3Department of Internal Medicine;521 Hospital;Xi’an 710061;China
Effect of glutamine precondition on platelet aggregation and activation functions in rabbits with spinal cord ischemia/reperfusion injury
GONG Shou-Ping1;WANG Wen-Tao1;ZHONG Da-Lin1;LU Jian1;WU Feng2;CHE Jin2;SENG Zhi-Yuan1;HE Xi-Jing31Department of Neurosurgery;2Department of Genetics and Molecular Biology;3Department of Orthopedic Surgeon;Second Affiliated Hospital;Medical College;Xi’an Jiaotong University;Xi’an 710004;China
CT diagnosis features of renal metastases
ZHANG Wei-Dong;HUANG Zi-Lin;WU Pei-Hong State Key Laboratory of Oncology in South China;Imaging and Interventional Center;Cancer Center;Sun Yat-sen University;Guangzhou 510060;China
jiu shi suan bu tuo fei zuo zai ji zhu wai ke shou shu hou zhen tong zhong de ying yong
lv hai gang ren peng cheng zhang xu dong qi fu jun yang fan zuo yu ling
Establishment of a stereological method for myelinated fibers in hippocampal formation of rat brain
LU Wei1;HUANG Chun-Xia2;YANG Shu1;LI Chen1;ZHANG Wei3;XU Qiang3;TANG Yong1 1Department of Neurology;First Affiliated Hospital;2Department of Physiology;3Department of Histology and Embryology;Chongqing Medical University;Chongqing 400016;China
yi yang hua dan xin hao tong lu yu pa jin sen bing de fa bing ji zhi
li xiao feng chen jian zong
jing pi guan zhuang dong mai jie ru shou shu hu li 30 li
hu yan ping ren ai ping liu wen juan
Short-term curative effect of external irradiation of 15Gy plus operation for bulky stage Ⅱcervical carcinoma
ZOU Yu-Liang1;ZHANG Juan-Juan1;ZHANG Zhong-Ming1;GOU Wen-Li1;CHEN Hong-Wei2;ZHAO Xian-Li3;ZHANG Peng-Hua11Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology;2Department of Radiation Oncology;First Affiliated Hospital;Medical School;Xi’an Jiaotong University;Xi’an 710061;China;3Department of Gynecologic Oncology;Henan Tumor Hospital;Zhengzhou 450003;China
hplc fa ce ding xiao er yan bian ke li zhong lv yuan suan han liang
meng zuo tang yong hong lv shao min ma yong zhi li bo
Radiosensitization of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase inhibitor on esophageal cancer cell line Eca-109 and its mechanism
ZHANG Xiao-Zhi1;GONG Hui-Jie1;LI Jie1;HOU Lei1;CHE Shao-Min1;CHEN Wei21Department of Radiation Oncology;2Center for Laboratory Medicine;First Affiliated Hospital;Medical College;Xi’an Jiaotong University;Xi’an 710061;China
Analysis of serum anti-reproductive antibodies in sterility patients
WU Cui-Ping1;QIN Xi1;WU Cui-Yun2;HUANG Li-Yun1;ZHU Hong11Clinical Laboratory;Affiliated Hospital of Hainan Medical College;Haikou 570102;China;2Clinical Laboratory;Haikou People’s Hospital;Haikou 570208;China
A biomechanical evaluation of intramedullary expansive locking nail in treatment of femoral fractures
MU Shang-Qiang1;ZHANG Lei2;LIU Jian-Min1;HUANG Zhe-Yan1;WEI Lei1;YUAN Zhi11Institute of Orthopedics;Xijing Hospital;Fourth Military Medical University;Xi’an 710033;China;2Department of Orthopedics;PLA 118 Hospital;Wenzhou 325000;China
Effect of cardiotrophin-1 on neuronal loss of hippocampus and mossy fiber sprouting in status epilepticus rats
DU Shu-Zhen;SHU Xiao-Mei;LI Zhen-Hong;CHEN Xue-Mei Department of Pediatrics;Affiliated Hospital;Zunyi Medical College;Zunyi 563003;China
Expression of CTLA-4 and CD40L on periperal T lymphocytes in autoimmune thyroid disease
WANG Yu;ZHANG Jian;ZHANG Jin-An1;XIAO Wan-Xia1;QUAN Yin1;LIU Lin1;WANG Rong11Department of Endocrinology;2Department of Clinical Medicine;First Affiliated Hospital;Medical College;Xi’an Jiaotong University;Xi’an 710061;China
gao xiao ye xiang se pu fa ce ding da shu xue jiang zhong - zuo xiang xi de han liang
yu feng li zhao ming tian jing zhen
Predictive model of systemic chemotherapy risks in pancreatic cancer patients with distant metastasis
CHANG Dong-Min1;MA Gang1;ZHANG Yong1;WANG Zuo-Ren2;JI Sheng-Wei11Department of Surgical Oncology;2Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery;First Hospital;Xi’an Jiaotong University;Xi’an 710061;China
The influence of fetal microchemisrism to dendritic cells in the thyroid glangs
PU Dan;GUO Hui;SHI Bing-Yin;MA Ai-Qun First Affiliated Hospital;Medical School;Xi’an Jiaotong University;Xi’an 710061;China
shou zu kou bing he bing fei chu xue 3 li
yang gui zhi wu yu rong wei yan fen
Orthogonal experiment of extraction of scutellarin acid with microwave or Soxhlet’s extractor
SUN Fei1;LI Xiao-Ye2;ZHU Xing-Mei2;LU Li-Hua21Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics;PLA 534 Hospital;Luoyang 471000;China;2Department of Pharmacy;Fourth Military Medical University;Xi’an 710033;China
Comparasion of the tissue invasiveness and the clinical effects of lumbar disc herniation treated by microendoscopic discectomy and traditional open operation
ZHANG Da-Wei;LUO Zhuo-Jing;LI Ming-Quan;XU Xin-Zhi;TAO Hui-Ren Department of Orthopaetics;Xijing Hospital;Fourth Military Medical University;Xi’an 710032;China
Effect of low power laser irradiation on glial scars following spinal cord injury
XIA Lei;LUO Zhuo-Jing;WANG Zhe Institute of Orthopedics;Xijing Hospital;Fourth Military Medical University;Xi’an 710032;China
Effect of Sanjiayi Gan granula contained serum on TGF-β1,TIMP-1 gene expression of HSC-T6 cells
YANG Dao-Kun;LIANG Hai-Jun;SHEN Bao-Sheng;SUN Yi-Feng;QIAO Han-Chen Department of Infection Disease;First Affiliated Hospital;Xinxiang Medical College;Xinxiang 453100;China
Effect of Delisheng on apoptosis of liver cancer HepG2 cell line and its mechanism
YAO Yu;HAI Ya-Nan;NAN Ke-Jun;YUAN Zhang-Li;NIE Yan-Li Department of Oncological Medicine;First Affiliated Hospital;Medical College;Xi’an Jiaotong University;Xi’an 710061;China
Cementless bipolar hemiarthroplasty for displaced femoral neck fractures in the elderly
WANG Wei-Dong;MENG Hai-Liang;LIAO Yong-Hua Department of Orthopaedics Combined Chinese and Western Medicine;Xi’an Red Cross Society Hospital;Xi’an 710054;China
dui 41 li 400 mi zhang ai xun lian zu zuo guan jie sun shang fen xi
zhang wei ye ming xiang
Expression of Clostridium difficile toxin A receptor binding domain in Lactococcus lactis
YANG Xiao-Qiang1;ZHAO Ya-Gang1;SUN Da-Yong1;JIANG Bo2;CHEN Xue-Qing31Department of Gastroenterology;Guangzhou General Hospital of Guangzhou Command;Guangzhou 510010;China;2Department of Gastroenterology;Nanfang Hospital;Southern Medical University;Guangzhou 510515;China;3Department of Gastroenterology;First Affiliated Hospital;Guangzhou Medical College;Guangzhou 510120;China
Establishment of urethral stricture in rabbit model with visual endoscopic urethroelectrocoagulation
LI He-Cheng;FU De-Lai;CHONG Tie;ZHANG Hui-Bo;CHENG Wei;ZHAO Yang-Hong;GAN Wei-Min;WANG Zi-Ming Department of Urology;Second Afflicted Hospital;School of Medicine;Xi’an Jiaotong University;Xi’an 710004;China
Effects of GBE on the cytokines during open heart surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass
FU Qing-Lin1;ZHANG Xin-Zhong1;HAN Pei-Li1;ZHANG Xiao-Lu1;Robert J Cusimano21Postdoctoral Station;First Affiliated Hospital;Xinxiang Medical University;Xinxiang 453100;China;2Pater Munk Cardiac Center;Toronto General Hospital;Toronto M5G 2C4;Canada
Effect of Tetramethylpyrazine and ischemic preconditioning on expression of HSP70 and learning-memory capacity of gerbils after cerebral ischemia
LI Jian-Min1;ZHAO Ya-Ning2;CHEN Chang-Xiang2;ZHU Jun1;FU Ai-Jun1;LIU Qing-Jun1 1Department of Neurosurgery;Affiliated Hospital;2Nursing Department;Northern China Coal Medical College;Tangshan 063000;China
ting zhen qi de gai liang yu ying yong
liu jing yuan chang rong yan zhou jian xing
Tumor inhibiting and immunoloregulation effects of Tiaoheng Prescription on Lewis lung carcinoma of tumor-bearing mice
ZHANG Hong-Fang;BAI Zhi-Chao;REN Li-Hong;HUAN Cheng;WANG Xiao-Ping;SHI Xiao-Ling;WANG Xi-Sheng Molecular Pathology Laboratory;Shanxi College of Traditional Chinese Medicine;Xianyang 712046;China
ren gong ren dai zhong jian xi guan jie jiao cha ren dai de yan jiu jin zhan
huang zhao song hou wei song yang zhang zhen yu han yi sheng
Effects of CDX2 on cell growth,apoptosis and autophagy of SW480 and HCT-116 cells and on COX-2 expression in vitro
FANG San-Gao;WANG Ming-Juan;LIU Ming;YANG Ai-Jun;WANG Chen-Yu;LI Min Institute of Pathology;College of Basic Medicine;Lanzhou University;Gansu Key Laboratory for Preclinical Study of New Drugs;Lanzhou 730000;China
er tong zhi qi guan yi wu wu ru xiao hua dao 1 li
du hong jun xing wei han de xu
Age characteristics of Oatp2 in rat
GUO Yi;JIANG Li Department of Neurology;Children’s Hospital;Chongqing University of Medical Science;Chongqing 400014;China
Effects of MT1H gene on drug resistance in human lung adenocarcinoma cell line A549
HOU Xin-Fang;WANG Ju-Feng;ZANG Kai;YANG Shu-Jun Department of Medicine;Henan Tumor Hospital;Zhengzhou 450000;China
Regulatory effect of dendritic cells transfected with TGF-β1 gene on secretion of IFN-γ and NO of T lymphocytic cells in rats with experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis
WANG Yun-Fu1;CHEN Ji-Xiang2;SUN Sheng-Gang2;CAO Xue-Bing21Department of Neurology;Taihe Hospital;Yunyang Medical College;Shiyan 442000;China;2Department of Neurology;Union Hospital;Tongji Medical College;Huazhong University of Science and Technology;Wuhan 430022;China
Construction of pRluc-KOR eukaryotic expression vector and its expression in HEK293 cells
LI Ya-Lin1;2;BAI Bo3;CHEN Jing1;LIU You-Wang1;LIU Hai-Qing1;YU Peng-Li11Department of Neurobiology;Taishan Medical University;Taian 271000;China;2Department of Life Science;Shandong Agricultural University;Taian 271018;China;3Department of Neurobiology;Jining Medical University;Jining 272000;China
Spontaneous renal rupture in hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome: Clinical analysis of 11 cases
LI Bing;XIE Yu-Mei;BAI Xue-Fan;HAO Chun-Qiu;WEI Xin;WANG Ping-Zhong;JIA Zhan-Sheng Center of Diagnosis and Treatment for Infectious Diseases;Tangdu Hospital;Fourth Military Medical University;Xi’an 710038;China
Effects of ETP-508,a novel endothelin receptor antagonist,on bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis in rats
ZHANG Chun-Yang;ZHANG Yan;FENG Hua-Song Department of Respiratory Medicine;PLA Center of Sarcoidosis;Navy General Hospital;Beijing 100037;China
Gln893Lys mutation in beta myosin heavy chain gene: a hot spot mutation in Chinese hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
LIU Gang;SHENG Hong-Zhuan Department of Cardiovascular Internal Medicine;Yuyao People’s Hospital;Yuyao 315400;China
Effects of different interval intracerebroventricular administration of brain-derived neurotrophic factor on oxidative stress and neuron apoptosis following cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats
TAN Yong-Xing1;LI Xue-Mei2;WEN Su-Fang3;YU Jun-Xiong1;WANG Di-Fen41Department of Anesthesiology;2Department of Radiotherapy;3Department of Nursing;Affiliated Hospital of Guilin Medical College;Guilin 541001;China;4Department of ICU;Affiliated Hospital of Guiyang Medical College;Guiyang 550004;China
Determination of eplerenone in human plasma by HPLC-MS
ZHAO Yue-Ping;CHEN Su-Ning;DING Li-Kun;YANG Zhi-Fu;WANG Zhi-Rui;JIN Xin;WEN Ai-Dong Department of Pharmacy;Xijing Hospital;Fourth Military Medical University;Xi’an 710033;China
Significance of the matrix metalloproteinase 9 and tissue inhibitor metalloproteinase 1 in lung tissues,BALF andserum of asthma rats
SAI Yi-Pa1;WANG San-Ping1;CAO Ya-Qin2;XIONG Hai-Jin11Department of Pediatrics;Gansu Provincial People’s Hospital;2Medical College;Lanzhou University;Gansu 730000;China
gu sui jian chong zhi gan xi bao yi zhi zhi liao tang niao bing de yan jiu jin zhan
zhao dong bo zhang fu qin song zhen shun
Biochemistry change in blood by manual strangle
LI Xiao-Ming;LI Xue-Jin;ZHANG Yue;XING Rui-Xian Department of Forensic Medicine;Liaoning Medical University;Jinzhou 121001;China
Dynamic changes and significance of calcitonin gene-related peptide in juvenile rats with hyperoxia-induced lung injury
HUANG Dong;XU Feng;FANG Fang Department of Pediatric Intensive Care Unit;Chongqing Children’s Hospital;Chongqing Medical University;Chongqing 400014;China
Construction of IL-l8-AFP-DC vaccine mediated by IL-18 and AFP gene coexpressing adenovirus and detection of its expression
ZHANG Ji-Cheng1;WANG Bi1;JIA Jun2;FENG Jiang-Nan3;CHEN Tao1;CHEN Yan-Ling11Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery;Union Hospital;Fujian Medical University;Fuzhou 350001;China;2Department of Medical Oncology;Beijing Cancer Hospital & Institute;Peking University;Beijing 100142;China;3Wuhan Genesil Biotechnology Co.;Ltd;Wuhan 430074;China
Effect of siRNA target gene CXCR4 on invasion capability of EC9706 cells
WANG Tao1;XUAN Xiao-Yan2;ZANG Wen-Qiao2;LI Qian-Ru2;LI Min2;YANG Xuan21Department of Hemato-tumor;First Affiliated Hospital;Henan College of Traditional Chinese Medicine;Zhengzhou 450000;China;2Department of Microbiology and Immunology;Medical College of Basic Science;Zhengzhou University;Zhengzhou 450052;China
Conduction coding of nonmyelinated fibers in rabbit saphenous nerve
ZHU Zhi-Ru1;2;WANG Wen-Ting2;TANG Xiao-Wei1;HU San-Jue2 1Department of Biomedical Engineering;Zhejiang University;Hangzhou 310027;China;2Institute of Neuroscience;Fourth Military Medical University;Xi’an 710033;China
hui mang bu zhong kuai de chao sheng zhen duan he jian bie 34 li
li ling xu qing zhong
Soluble expression and preliminary study on a functional peptide of FnBP protein mediating Staphylococcus aureus invasion
WANG Chen-Hong1;MA Shu-Ying2;ZHANG Yan-Xia1;LI Shao-Hua21HeBei North Univeisity;Zhangjiakou 075000;China;2Academy of Military Medical Sciences;Beijing 100850;China