Expressions of SSEA-1,OCT-4 and GRB in adipose-derived adult stem cells
CHEN Qiang1 ;YANG Zai-Liang2 ;SUN Shi-Jin3;ZHANG Bo2;WANG Zheng-Guo2;ZHU Pei-Fang21Department of Anesthesiology;2Fourth Research Lab & State Key Lab of Trauma;Burn and Combined Injury;3Trauma Center;Daping Hospital and Surgery Research Institute;Third Military Medical University;Chongqing 400042;China
Comparative study on Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy of tissues at different tissue levels
WANG Jian-Sheng1;ZHANG Jia1;WU Wen-An1;DUAN Xiao-Yi1;WANG Si-Cen2;XU Yi-Zhuang3;SHI Jing-Sen1;WU Jin-Guang3;ZHANG Hai-Yan4 1Department of Oncology Surgery;First Affiliated Hospital;2School of Medicine;Xi’an Jiaotong University;Xi’an 710061;China;3College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering;Peking University;Beijing 100871;China;4Department of Prevention and Health Care;Changhai Hospital;Second Military Medical University;Shanghai 200433;China