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Daqing Social Sciences
2006 Issue 5
On the Power Result of "the Iron Man Spirit"
Chen Zhiyou
Talk about the Basic Clues for Studying "the Iron Man Spirit"
Ma Yinglin;Liu Daorong
guan yu tui jin xin nong cun jian she wen ti de ren shi yu si kao
zhang xiao jie ; wang he yan
qian tan nong cun zhong de si xiang zheng zhi gong zuo
jiang gui fu
The Culture Recreation In the Second Undertaking——Make Key Competitive Power with Advanced Culture
the Party Committee of DaQing Petrol-Chemical Plant
Construct the Enterprise Culture Approved by Staff and Workers
Shi Ming;Cui Zhengyu
da qing shi dan bao ye cun zai de wen ti ji qi jian yi
wang feng zhi ; wu li zhen
guo nei shang ye yin xing ge ren li cai ye wu fa zhan chu lu tan tao
he jun ; liu shi qiang
qian xi dang qian qing shao nian fan zui de te dian yu dui ce
liu ; jiang hao
Zhao Yuan——Magical Land by Song Nen Rivers
Zhang Wen
zi liao xin xi
qian tan ji xiao guan li zai qi ye zhong de ying yong
zheng zuo
Raise Ability of Self-Innovation and Construct Modern Industry Area
Tao Zhigang;Yuan Qingyuan