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Journal of Earth Science
2012 Issue 5
New Research Progress on the Pre-Sinian Tectonic Evolution and Neotectonics of the Huangling Anticline Region, South China
Songbai Peng;,Timothy M Kusky;,Hanwen Zhou;,Lu Wang;,Wei Xiang;
Granulite Facies Metamorphic Age and Tectonic Implications of BIFs from the Kongling Group in the Northern Huangling Anticline
Yang Cen;,Songbai Peng;,Timothy M Kusky;,Xingfu Jiang;,Lu Wang;
SHRIMP Zircon U-Pb Ages and Geochemical Characteristics of the Neoproterozoic Granitoids in the Huangling Anticline and Its Tectonic Setting
Yunxu Wei;,Songbai Peng;,Xingfu Jiang;,Zhongqin Peng;,Lianhong Peng;,Zhihong Li;,Peng Zhou;,Xiongwei Zeng;
Discovery of a Sheeted Dike Complex in the Northern Yangtze Craton and Its Implications for Craton Evolution
Hao Deng;,Timothy M Kusky;,Lu Wang;,Songbai Peng;,Xingfu Jiang;,Junpeng Wang;,Songjie Wang;
Sea-Floor Metamorphism Recorded in Epidosites from the ca.1.0 Ga Miaowan Ophiolite,Huangling Anticline, China
Junpeng Wang;,Timothy M Kusky;,Ali Polat;,Lu Wang;,Songbai Peng;,Xingfu Jiang;,Hao Deng;,Songjie Wang;
Geological Features and Deformational Ages of the Basal Thrust Belt of the Miaowan Ophiolite in the Southern Huangling Anticline and Its Tectonic Implications
Xingfu Jiang;,Songbai Peng;,Timothy M Kusky;,Lu Wang;,Junpeng Wang;,Hao Deng;
Mapping of Planation Surfaces in the Southwest Region of Hubei Province, China—Using the DEM-Derived Painted Relief Model
Hui Li;,Xuya Huang;,Qinglu Deng;,Timothy M Kusky;,Xiaobin Cai;
Deepwater Canyons Reworked by Bottom Currents: Sedimentary Evolution and Genetic Model
Caili Lü;,Yongjian Yao;,Yuehua Gong;,Shiguo Wu;,Xuejie Li;
Geophysical Exploration for Geothermal Resources: An Application of MT and CSAMT in Jiangxia, Wuhan, China
Guiju Wu;,Xiangyun Hu;,Guangpu Huo;,Xiaochen Zhou;
Define the Energy Cone Threshold and Extent of Tianchi Volcano
Yuan Wan;,Jiandong Xu;,Bo Pan;