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Computer Study
2015 Issue 3
Sruvey on Detecting Complexes from Protein-protein Interaction Network
DAI Qiguo;GUO Maozu;School of Computer Science and Technology;Harbin Institute of Technology;
Automatic Image Annotation based on Region Similarity
XU Gongwen;LIAO Minghai;WANG Xiaoyan;XU Chunxiu;XU Lina;School of Computer Science and Technology;Shandong Xiehe College;School of Computer Science and Technology;Shandong Jianzhu University;
Aggregate Query and Application of Temporal Data
Huang Xiongbo;Department of Electronic and Information Engineering;Foshan Professional Technical College;
Study of Image Retrieval Algorithm based on SVM,TSVM and ELM
ZHANG Zhiqiang;DIAO Qi;ZHANG Taihong;Institute of Computer and Information Engineering;Xinjiang Agricultural University;
An Acoustic Feature Extraction Approach based on Frequency Selectivity of Human Auditory under Driving Noisy Environments
PEI Xiaozhong;ZHENG Tieran;HAN Jiqing;School of Computer Science and Technology;Harbin Institude of Technology;
Research on Method for Dealing with Branches in Genome Assembly based on Support Vector Machine
ZHU Xiao;WANG Yadong;School of Computer Science and Technology;Harbin Institute of Technology;
Genome Assembly Guided by reads
ZENG Peilong;China Ship Development and Design Center;
When the Portable Device is Connected to the Cloud Computing
YAN Xuehu;WANG Shen;NIU Xiamu;School of Computer Science and Technology;Harbin Institute of Technology;
Research on Small Files Optimized Storage Strategy in Hadoop System
DU Zhonghui;HE Hui;WANG Xing;School of Computer Science and Technology;Harbin Institute of Technology;
Computer Experimental and Teaching Platform based on Cloud Computing Environment
ZHANG Hongli;SHI Jiantao;ZHAI Jianhong;School of Computer and Science Technology;Harbin Institute of Technology;
Energy-efficient Cloud Task Scheduling Research based on Dynamic Genetic Algorithm
ZHONG Xiaorou;ZHAI Jianhong;School of Computer Science and Technology;Harbin Institute of Technology;
Self-discipline Neural Network Equalization Algorithm based on the Particle Swarm
ZHAO Huiqing;Department of Information Science;Xinhua College of Sun Yat - sen University;
Analyzing of Electrostatic Field of Inhomogeneous Medium based on Matlab
ZHANG Sanmei;TANG Zhengming;Experiment Center;China West Normal University;School of Electronics and Information Engineering;China West Normal University;
Motion State of Data Recognition based on Android Mobile Sensor
ZHANG Xin;LI Zhijun;JIANG Shouxu;School of Computer Science and Technology;Harbin Institute of Technology;
Chinese Words Similarity Computation based on How Net
LI Guojia;Department of Software;North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power;
Network Public Opinion Guiding based on Markov Logic Networks
WANG Xing;HE Hui;School of Computer Science and Technology;Harbin Institute of Technology;
Inconsistency Detection in Distributed Data: Implement,Meliorate
WANG Haijie;HUANG Shenbin;ZHU Zhenhua;Network and Information Center;Harbin Institute of Technology;School of Computer Science and Technology;Harbin Institute of Technology;
Word Similarity Measure based on Immune Principles Inspired Word Representation
YANG Jinfeng;GUAN Yi;School of Computer Science and Technology;Harbin Institute of Technology;
Research on Displacement Map Filter Application of Bitmap based on AS3.0
XIE JianHua;Guangzhou Panyu Polytechnic;
Discovery of Heavy Traffic Areas based on DBSCAN Algorithm
LIU Chang;LI Zhijun;JIANG Shouxu;School of Computer Science and Technology;Harbin Institute of Technology;
Research and Design on Tomato Growth Characteristics of Intelligent Greenhouse Ventilation System of Integrated Control in the Internet of Things
WANG Ranran;YU Lianshuang;MOU Huawei;GUO Pengjun;WANG Jinxing;Institute of Electrical and Mechanical;Shandong Agricultural University;Shandong Garden Machinery and Equipment Mainly Experiment Room;Shandong Agricultural University;
An Algorithm for Bone Surface Detection in 3D CT Images
YAO Ming;CHENG Yuanzhi;School of Computer Science and Technology;Harbin Institute of Technology;
Design of An Unified Platform based on Cooperation Relationship for College Excellent Courses
JIAO Huihua;LI Xiangyi;XIAO Qun;Qiongtai Teachers College;
Application of Back Propagation Neural Network Optimizing by Artificial Fish Swarm Algorithm in Network Intrusion Detection
LIU Chun;Network Management Center;Sichuan College of Architectural Technology;
Design and Implementation of Cloud Clean System on Big Data
HUANG Shenbin;WANG Haijie;ZHU Zhenhua;Network and Information Center;Harbin Institute of Technology;School of Computer Science and Technology;Harbin Institute of Technology;
Association Searching Suggestion based on Association Rule Mining
HUANG Zhicheng;Information Resource Center;Guangdong Women’s Polytechnic College;
Perceptron Network Weights Calculation and MATLAB Simulation in Pattern Recognition
ZHANG Guangjian;Department of Information Engineering;Sichuan College of Architectural Technology;Institute of Intelligent Computing;Sichuan College of Architectural Technology;
Design and Implementation of College CRM System based on Web Services
ZHANG Jun;Information and Technology Center;Hunan Railway Professional Technology College;
Fuzzy Support Vector Machine based on Kernel Robust k-means
WANG Xiaotong;CHENG Yuanzhi;School of Computer Science and Technology;Harbin Institute of Technology;
Design of Solar Energy Water Heater Control System
ZHU Xinying;CHEN Xi;School of Phycis Mechanical & Electrical Engineering;Zhoukou Normal University;
Design and Implementation of A Smart Home Environment Monitoring System based on MCU STC12C5A60S2
CHEN Rongkun;Department of Electronic and Information Engineering;Quan Zhou Institute of Information Engineering;
Design of Equivalent Circuit Parameter Analyzer for Two Port Passive Circuit
TANG Zhengming;ZHANG Sanmei;Zeng Jing;School of Electronic Information and Engineering;China West Normal University;Experiment Center;China West Normal University;
Text Extraction and Background Restoration in Video Images based on CEMA
JI Liqin;Electrical engineering college;Su Zhou Chien - Shiung Institute of technology;