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Plasma Science and Technology
2014 Issue 6
Nonlinear Dust Acoustic Waves in a Magnetized Dusty Plasma with Trapped and Superthermal Electrons
S.Ahmadi ABRISHAMI;M.Nouri KADIJANI;Islamic Azad University;Torbateheydarieh Branch Torbateheydarieh;Young Researchers and Elite Club;Kashmar Branch;Islamic Azad University;
Characteristics of Positive Ions in the Sheath Region of Magnetized Collisional Electronegative Discharges
M.M.HATAMI;A.R.NIKNAM;Physics Department of K.N.Toosi University of Technology;Laser-Plasma Research Institute of Shahid Beheshti University;G.C.;
Analysis of the Variability of the L-H Transition Power Threshold in a Helium-4 Discharge
WU Guojiang;ZHANG Xiaodong;Institute of Plasma Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences;
PIC-EDDY Simulation of Different Impurities Deposition in Gaps of Carbon Tiles
XU Qian;DING Rui;YANG Zhongshi;NIU Guojian;K.OHYA;LUO Guangnan;Institute of Plasma Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences;Institute of Technology and Science;The University of Tokushima;
A Full Aperture Backscattering Light Diagnostic System Installed on the Shenguang-III Prototype Laser Facility
XU Tao;MEI Yu;WEI Huiyue;PENG Xiaoshi;WANG Feng;YANG Dong;LIU Shenye;YAN Yadong;Research Center of Laser Fusion;China Academy of Engineering Physics;Xi’an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Study of the Performance of a Streaked Optical Pyrometer System for Temperature Measurement of Shocked Materials
ZHANG Chen;LIU Hao;WANG Zhebin;JIANG Xiaohua;ZHANG Huige;LIU Yonggang;LI Zhichao;LI Sanwei;YANG Dong;DING Yongkun;ZHAO Bin;HU Guangyue;ZHENG Jian;CAS Key Lab of Basic Plasma Physics;Department of Modern Physics;University of Science and Technology of China;Laser Fusion Research Center;China Academy of Engineering Physics;
Ray Tracing Study of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves Associated with Bi-Ion Frequencies
ZHOU Qinghua;YANG Chang;HE Yihua;LIU Si;ZHOU Xiaoping;TANG Lijun;XIAO Fuliang;School of Physics and Electronic Sciences;Changsha University of Science and Technology;
Theoretical Study on the Characteristics of Atmospheric Radio Frequency Discharges by Altering Electrode Gap
CHI Yangyang;ZHANG Yuantao;Shandong Provincial Key Lab of;UHV Technology and Gas Discharge Physics;School of Electrical Engineering;Shandong University;
Ar+/Ar, O2+/O2 and N2+/N2 Elastic Momentum Collision Cross Sections: Calculation and Validation Using the Semi-Classical Model
Djilali BENYOUCEF;Mohammed YOUSFI;Laboratoire Génie Electrique et Energies Renouvelables;Chlef University;Universitéde Toulouse;LAPLACE UMR CNRS;
Surface Activation of Plane and Curved Automotive Polymer Surfaces by Using a Fittable Multi-Pin DBD Plasma Source
Jrn HEINE;Roland DAMM;Christoph GERHARD;Stephan WIENEKE;Wolfgang VIL;University of Applied Sciences and Arts;Laboratory of Laser and Plasma Technology;Von-Ossietzky-Stra?e 99 37085 Gttingen;Germany;Fraunhofer Institute for Surface Engineering and Thin Films;Application Center for Plasma and Photonic;Von-Ossietzky-Stra?e 99 37085 Gttingen;Germany;
LIBS Detection of Heavy Metal Elements in Liquid Solutions by Using Wood Pellet as Sample Matrix
WEN Guanhong;SUN Duixiong;SU Maogen;DONG Chenzhong;Key Laboratory of Atomic and Molecular Physics & Functional Material of Gansu Province;College of Physics and Electronic Engineering;Northwest Normal University;Joint Laboratory of Atomic and Molecular Physics;Northwest Normal University and Institute of Modern Physics of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Improved Ethanol Production from Xylose by Candida shehatae Induced by Dielectric Barrier Discharge Air Plasma
CHEN Huixia;XIU Zhilong;BAI Fengwu;School of Fisheries and Life Science;Dalian Ocean University;School of Life Science and Biotechnology;Dalian University of Technology;
Comparison Between Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma and Ozone Regenerations of Activated Carbon Exhausted with Pentachlorophenol
QU Guangzhou;LIANG Dongli;QU Dong;HUANG Yimei;LI Jie;College of Natural Resources and Environment;Northwest A&F University;Key Laboratory of Plant Nutrition and the Agri-environment in Northwest China;Ministry of Agriculture;Institute of Electrostatics and Special Power;Dalian University of Technology;
The Influence of Magnetic Field on Antenna Performance in Plasma
ZHAO Qing;XING Xiaojun;XUAN Yinliang;LIU Shuzhang;Institute of Physical Electronics;University of Electronic Science and Technology of China;
Performance of a New Ion Source for KSTAR Tokamak Plasma Heating
Tae-Seong KIM;Seung Ho JEONG;Doo Hee CHANG;Kwang Won LEE;Sang-Ryul IN;Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute;
Experimental Study of Current Loss of Stainless Steel Magnetically Insulated Transmission Line with Current Density at MA/cm Level
WU Hanyu;ZENG Zhengzhong;WANG Liangping;GUO Ning;Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology;State Key Laboratory of Intense Pulsed Radiation Simulation and Effect;
High Magnetic Field Shielding for Sensitive Devices Relevant to ITER
XIA Zhiwei;LI Wei;LI Bo;YANG Qingwei;LU Jie;Southwestern Institute of Physics;