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Geographical Research
2014 Issue 2
di li yan jiu zheng gao jian ze
Study on the necessity and possibility of water use decrease in northern China
LU Dadao;JIA Shaofeng;BAI Yongping;Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research;CAS;College of Geography and Environment Science;Northwest Normal University;
Spatial variation of landslides in Wenchuan Earthquake-stricken areas
NIE Juan;LIAN Jian;HU Zhuowei;National Disaster Reduction Center of the Ministry of Civil Affairs;College of Resources Environment and Tourism;Capital Normal University;
Assessment and analysis of natural hazards danger degree in the Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou bordering area of Southwest China
LIU Bintao;TAO Heping;LIU Shaoquan;YU Hui;Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment;CAS;
Recent change of runoff and its components of baseflow and surface runoff in response to climate change and human activities for the Lishui watershed of southern China
ZHENG Mingguo;SUN Liying;Key Laboratory of Water Cycle and Related Land Surface Processes;Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research;CAS;
Impact of climate warming on cotton production of Ugan-Kuqa River delta oasis
YUSUF Mamat;MAHPIRET Ulam;MANSUR Sabit;School of Geographic Science and Tourism;Xinjiang Normal University;
Spatially explicit reconstruction of forest cover of Southwest China in the Qing Dynasty
HE Fanneng;LI Shicheng;ZHANG Xuezhen;Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research;CAS;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Review on scale-related researches in grid-based digital terrain analysis
QIN Chengzhi;HU Xuemei;State Key Lab of Resources and Environmental Information System;Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research;CAS;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Study on the influencing factors and spatial characteristics of residents’ online consumption in Nanjing
XI Guangliang;ZHEN Feng;WANG Xia;QIN Xiao;School of Geographic and Oceanographic Sciences;Nanjing University;School of Architecture and Urban Planning;Nanjing University;Human Geographic Research Center of Nanjing University;
Spatial agglomeration pattern evolvement and its influencing factors of urban potential at county level in the Pearl River Delta
MEI Zhixiong;XU Songjun;OUYANG Jun;School of Geography;South China Normal University;
Prediction of China’s population in 2020 and 2030 on county scale
WANG Lu;YANG Yanzhao;FENG Zhiming;YOU Zhen;Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research;CAS;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Study on urban network of Yangtze River Delta region based on producer services
WANG Cong;CAO Youhui;CHEN Guowei;Nanjing Academy of Social Sciences;Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology;CAS;Jiangsu Institute of Urban Planning and Design;
A study on residential satisfaction and its behavioral intention in Beijing
ZHAN Dongsheng;MENG Bin;ZHANG Wenzhong;College of Resource Environment and Tourism;Capital Normal University;College of Applied Arts and Science;Beijing Union University;Institute of Beijing Study;Beijing Union University;Key Laboratory of Regional Sustainable Development Modeling;Institute of Geographic Sciences andNatural Resources Research;CAS;
MFOZ planning of Dongguan based on spatial autocorrelation by using genetic algorithms
LIN Jinyao;LI Xia;School of Geography and Planning;and Guangdong Key Laboratory for Urbanization and Geo-simulation;Sun Yat-sen University;
Analysis of the influencing factors of urban residents to use urban public bikes: A case study of Suzhou
QIAN Jia;WANG Degen;NIU Yu;Tourism Department of Soochow University;
Participatory appraisal of village development system:Methodology and application
LI Yurui;LIU Yansui;LONG Hualou;WANG Lijuan;Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research;CAS;Key Laboratory of Regional Sustainable Development Modeling;CAS;Institute of Rural Development;Zhejiang Academy of Agricltural Sciences;
Human mobility and evolution based on social network:An empirical analysis of Yangtze River Delta
WANG Jue;CHEN Wen;YUAN Feng;Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology;CAS;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;