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Automation of Electric Power Systems
2005 Issue 11
adsl zai nong wang diao du zi dong hua zhong de ying yong
zheng lei ; wu fu bao ; liu chang ; zhao ri qiang
Design and Realization of Digital Interface of Electronic High Voltage Instrument Transducer
HUANG Zhi-yu;DUAN Xiong-ying;ZHANG Ke-wei;ZOU Ji-yan
A Novel Feeder Automation Scheme for Rural Distribution Systems
LIU Jian;CUI Jian-zhong;GU Hai-yong
A Distributed Approach for Day-ahead Trade Schedule in Electricity Market
LUO Chao-chun;TU Guang-yu;LUO Yi;WU Jun;LOU Su-hua
Design and Implementation of Regional Joint Anti-accident Exercises for Power System
ZHENG Yan-hai;Yang Sheng-chun;YAO Jian-guo;ZHANG Shen-ming;YANG Zhi-hong;SHEN Hao-dong
Design and Implementation of Cryptographic Computation for Substation Security Communication
LIU Li-zheng;DUAN Bin;HUANG Sheng-long
Square Root Kalman Adaptive Filter and Its Applications on OCT
LI Yan-song;YU Wen-Bin;ZHANG Guo-qing;GUO Zhi-zhong;YANG Yi-han;GAO Hua
Analysis of the Effect of Eccentricity on Single Element Transverse Differential Protection in Large-sized Hydro-generator
ZHU Jia-Hui;YUAN Xin-mei;QIU A-rui;WANG Wei-jian;LIU Zhi-qiang;GUO Yu-heng
Study on the Delay of CAN Bus at the Process Level of Substation
WU Zai-jun;HU Min-qiang;ZHENG Jian-yong;DU Yan-sen
Study on Commutation Failure in MTDC and MIDC Systems
Xiang Ling;ZHENG Jian-yong;HU Min-qiang
A New Evaluation Method for AGC Generators Performance
ZOU Bin;XU Wei-hong;DING Feng
Minimum Apparent Power Control of Dynamic Voltage Restorer
YUAN Chuan;YANG Hong-geng
Mathematic Basis and Application Criterion of Torque Analysis--Discussion of Input Power Processing Methods of LOEC
HU Xiao-chen;SUN Yuan-zhang;LI Xiong;ZHANG Jian-yun
Analytical Forms of Boundaries of Static Voltage Stability Region with Nonlinear Terms
HAN Qi;YU Yi-xin;JIA Hong-jie;LI Peng;Stephen T LEE;Pei ZHANG