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Journal of Dalian Fisheries University
1999 Issue 3
Economical analysis for allocating power of fishing lamps on jigger
CHEN Yong-mao;Jia Fu
Prediction of overseas fishing fleet
LUO Fu-cai;JIA Fu;CHEN Long
Global vibration prediction and programing of fishing vessels
LIU Qi-min;MA Li-sha;GAO Ying
A balance method for great power single-phase load in three-phase circuit
SUN Li-xian;LIANG Xin-fu
Studies on the circuit with CCⅡ+ specific property
CHENG Shao-hong
Studies on the criteria of water temperature of Protosalanx hyatocranius
YOU Yang;HU Geng-dong;WANG Yu-ting
Study on the seed collecting of gametophytes and seeding rearing for Undaria pinnatifida
ZHANG Ze-yu;CAO Shu-qing;SHAO Kui-shuang;WU Yü-jing
The study on the tolerance of bay scallop Argopecten iradians to pH and ammonia
YANG Feng;GAO Yue-mian;SU Yan-ming;CAO Shu-xiang
Studies on the mechanism of effects of medicines on inducing triploid abalone
LI Xia;WANG Zi-chen;ZHANG Guo-fan;MAO Lian-ju;LI Ya-juan;CHANG Ya-qing;GAO Yue-mian;HU Qing-jie