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Journal of Dalian Nationalities University
2013 Issue 4
Deviation of Language Zero Level in the Heroic Epic Beowulf
YANG Yan-hua;FAN Li-nan;CHENG Shao-hua;ZHANG Shu-fan
Empowering Agriculture Productivity as the Basic Guarantee for Sustainable Economic Development
LI Gui-rong;SHI Ying-xin;ZHAO Ying
Management Research Methodology based on Classical Grounded Theory
WANG Chun-zhi;GAO Qiang;Heiko Gebauer
Construction Mode and Application of Eco-industry-based Cluster
GUO Jing-fu;GAO Xiao-fei
On the Narrative Skills in The Bellarosa Connection
YOU Guang-jie
On the Ecological Theme in Oroqen Folk Literature
CHENG Shao-hua
Temporal Change of Regional Disparity in Chinese Tourism Education: 1999-2008
ZHANG Zhen-guo;SUN Li-kun;LI Xue-li
Enhancement of University Culture in the Human Resources Management and Development of University Faculty
WU Yong-zhang;XIAO Shao-feng;LIU Cheng-fang
On “Reaching the Acme of Perfection”
LIU Ying-pin;GUO Jiu-lin
Policy-preference for the Balanced Development of Chinese Education
CHEN Ming-hua