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Journal of Dalian University of Technology(social sciences)
2008 Issue 4
Research on the logistics mechanism of emergency rescue of burst natural disasters in China
FAN Hou-ming;ZHAO Tong;LIU Yan;HAN Zhen;DONG Guo-song;SHI Li-hong
Process of industrial evolution based on enterprise organization reform
LU Xiao-wei;YUAN Yi-jun
Evaluation and improvement on the efficiency of state-owned enterprises based on DEA
YUAN Hui;DAI Da-shuang;JIANG Zhao-hua
Components and measurement of uncertainty of new high-tech ventures
WANG Hai-long;WU Chun-you
The role of channel power in the relation between knowledge sharing and channel relationship
WANG Ke-yi;LIU You-ming;SONG Ming-yuan