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Electric Power Survey & Design
2013 Issue 4
Experience of Soil Test Data Analysis in Loess Region
KOU Xiao-lan;QI Fang-yun;LI Shuang-bo
Design of Double Outlets New Bunker
LI Da-sheng;SHEN Hong-biao
Analysis on Economic Compensation for Energy Saving Dispatch in Jiangsu Province
KONG Liang;LIU Qing;LV Shi-sen;WANG Jian;YANG Qing-Xue;YANG Xu-zhong
Design, Construction Testing of Earthing Pole of ±500 kV DC Transformer Engineering
LI Peng;CHEN Guang;YANG Zhen-guo;ZHAO Zhen-xi
Research on Reinforcing Soft Soil Groundwork with Plastic Drains Plank
LIU Zhen;YU Qing-wen;TONG Jian-guo
Analysis on Testing of PHC Pile in Unsaturated Soil
LIU Zhen-yan;WANG Zhong-rong
Application of Establishing Database Management System Based on GIS Survey Control Point
HAN Xiao-ping;FENG Yu;SUN Hong;LIU Yong Qiang
Analysis for Reasonable Location of Transmission Line Towers at Loess Slope
LI Bin;HU Yun-rui;CAO Rong-tai;ZHANG Jian;QI Yong-hui
Application of VPRM Resources Management System to EPC
WANG Shou-li
Design of Rainfall and Fog Simulation in UHV DC Test Base
LIU Jian-xin;ZHANG Hong