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Journal of Dalian Education University
2016 Issue 3
Investigation Report of Math Education and Teaching in Senior High Schools in Dalian City
ZHAO Wen-lian;,WANG Shuang;,AN Dao-bo;
Investigation Report of Biology Education and Teaching in Senior High Schools in Dalian City
WANG Jie;,MU Xiao-ru;,WANG Yan-ling;
Investigation Report of Connection Problems of Different Schooling Stages in Basic Education
WANG Yan-feng;,WANG Rui;,XUE Xiao-guang;,GENG Zhuang-xun;
Research and Construction of Subject Literacy
SUN Hong-an;
yu jiao yu yu shu cai ke de jiao xue zhi zhong
jiang gui bin ;
Research and Implementation of Core Literacy is Imperative
WU Heng-shan;
Teaching Design of Japanese Based on Core Qualities
On Strategies for Guiding Parent-Child Games
YU Ai-hua;,LI Qian;
Instruct Infants to Learn Actively by "Moving"
LI Zheng;
tou gao zhi nan
xue ren feng cai