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Electric Power Technologic Economics
2001 Issue 6
Thinking on Issues concerning Electricity Reform
He Wei
jin gen fa zhan xing shi jian chi yu shi ju jin
dian li ji shu jing ji bian ji bu
Thinking on Electricity Reform and Environment Protection
Liu Miaohui
zhong shi ren ben guan li zeng qiang qi ye shi li
luo lian sheng
qian yi qi ye bing gou zhong wu xing zi chan de ping gu
chen hong yi
shui dian qi ye zeng zhi shui cun zai de wen ti ji dui ce
song zuo peng
De-Sulphur Situation and Economic Analysis of the Coal-fired Power Plants in Guangdong Region
yin dian xi ; wang li ; xu cheng hong
Impact of Market Power under Different Trading Models
ma zuo ; pan li qiang
Pondering over Issues in Electricity Tariff Reform
han shui ; zhang jin zhu