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Acta Geologica Sinica
2007 Issue 4
Mechanism of Hg Anomalies in Soil of City ang Town Areas and Their Surroundings
MA Shengming;ZHU Lixin;TANG Liling;WANG Zhifeng
Tracing Groundwater with Helium Isotopic Compositions in the Hexi Corridor Basin, Northwestern China
ZHAO Xia;CHEN Jiansheng;RAO Wenbo;DONG Haizhou;SHENG Xuefen;SU Zhiguo;CHEN Liang
Megainterstadial Climate of the Salawusu Valley——Milanggouwan Stratigraphical Section
WEN Xiaohao;LI Baosheng;David Dian ZHANG;FAN Xiaoping;YE Jianping;DU Shuhuan;GUO Yunhai;CHEN Deniu
Ages and Significance of Geological Events from Stalagmites in Caves, Southern China
LIN Yushi;ZHANG Meiliang;QIN Jiaming;CHENG Hai;RAN Jingcheng;CHEN Huiming;ZHU Hongyan;YU Dengli
Physical Simulation Experiment of Gas Migration in Sandstone Porous Media
ZHANG Likuan;WANG Zhenliang;QU Zhihao;YU Lan;YUAN Zhen;LIU Xiaohong
Deep-Basin Oil Pool of the Zhaowa-Anpeng Field in the Biyang Depression of the Nanxiang Basin
HU Wangshui;LI Zongxian;HUANG Yuxin;QIU Ronghua;WANG Min;YANG Daoqing;XIA Dongling
Authigenic Pyrite Rods from the Core HD196A in the Northeastern South China Sea
LU Hongfeng;CHEN Fang;LIAO Zhiliang;SUN Xiaoming;LIU Jian;CHENG Sihai;FU Shaoying
Permian Soft-Sediment Deformation Structures Related to Earthquake in the Southern Sydney Basin, Eastern Australia
DU Yuansheng;G.SHI;GONG Yiming;XU Yajun
Tectonic Setting and SHRIMP Age of Volcanic Rocks in the Xieyuguan and Caotangou Groups: Implications for the North Qinling Orogenic Belt
YAN Quanren;WANG Zongqi;CHEN Junlu;YAN Zhen;WANG Tao;LI Qiugeng;JIANG Chunfa;ZHANG Zongqing
Distributing Inhomogeneity of Helium Isotope of CO2 Degasification Point and Its Geotectogenesis in Southwest of China
SHEN Licheng;YUAN Daoxian;DING Tiping;LI Yanhe;LE Guoliang;LIN Yushi
Structural Styles of the Eastern Boundary Zone of the Ordos Basin and Its Regional Tectonic Significance
LIAO Changzhen;ZHANG Yueqiao;WEN Changshun
Correlationship of Tuchengzi Formation and Implications of the Basin Tectonic Evolution in the Intracontinental Yanshan Orogenic Belt
SUN Lixin;ZHAO Fengqing;WANG Huichu;GU Yongchang;JI Shiping
The Discovery of Theropod Dinosaur Footprints from the Middle Jurassic Yima Formation of Yima County, Henan Province
L(U) Junchang;ZHANG Xingliao;JIA Songhai;HU Weiyong;WU Yanhua;JI Qiang
New Nodosaurid Ankylosaur from the Cretaceous of Ruyang, Henan Province
XU Li;L(U) Junchang;ZHANG Xingliao;JIA Songhai;HU Weiyong;ZHANG Jiming;WU Yanhua;JI Qiang