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Acta Seismologica Sinica
2015 Issue 3
Global SH-wave propagation in a 2D whole Moon model using the parallel hybrid PSM/FDM method
Xianghua Jiang;Yanbin Wang;Yanfang Qin;Hiroshi Takenaka;Department of Geophysics;School of Earth and Space Sciences;Peking University;Equipe de Géosciences Marines;Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris;Department of Earth Sciences;Faculty of Science;Okayama University;
Localized temporal variation of Earth’s inner-core boundary from high-quality waveform doublets
Danhua Xin;Xiaodong Song;Tao Wang;Institute of Geophysics and Geodynamics;School of Earth Sciences and Engineering;Nanjing University;Department of Geology;University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign;
Co-seismic fault geometry and slip distribution of the 26 December 2004, giant Sumatra–Andaman earthquake constrained by GPS, coral reef, and remote sensing data
Yongge Wan;Zheng-kang Shen;Min Wang;Yuehua Zeng;Jichao Huang;Xiang Li;Huawei Cui;Xiwei Gao;Institute of Disaster-Prevention;Department of Earth and Space Sciences;University of California;Institute of Geology;China Earthquake Administration;U.S.Geology Survey;
The Kangding earthquake swarm of November, 2014
Wen Yang;Jia Cheng;Jie Liu;Xuemei Zhang;China Earthquake Networks Center;Institute of Geology;China Earthquake Administrator;
The strain seismograms of P- and S-waves of a local event recorded by four-gauge borehole strainmeter
Zehua Qiu;Shunliang Chi;Zhenming Wang;Seth Carpenter;Lei Tang;Yanping Guo;Guang Yang;Institute of Crustal Dynamics;China Earthquake Administration;Earthquake Administration of Hebi;Kentucky Geological Survey;University of Kentucky;Guza Seismic Station;Earthquake Administration of Sichuan Province;
Identifying the occurrence time of an impending mainshock:a very recent case
Panayiotis A.Varotsos;Nicholas V.Sarlis;Efthimios S.Skordas;Stavros-Richard G.Christopoulos;Mary S.Lazaridou-Varotsos;Department of Solid State Physics and Solid Earth Physics Institute;Faculty of Physics;School of Science;National and Kapodistrian University of Athens;
Application of 3D Web GIS and real-time technique in earthquake information publishing and visualization
Boren Li;Jianping Wu;Mao Pan;Jing Huang;Institute of Geophysics;China Earthquake Administration;School of Earth and Space Sciences;Peking University;