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Acta Seismologica Sinica
2010 Issue 5
Stationary phase approximation in the ambient noise method revisited
Zhongwen Zhan 1 and Sidao Ni 2;1 Mengcheng National Geophysical Observatory;School of Earth and Space Sciences;University of Science and Technology of China;Hefei 230026;China 2 Key Laboratory of Dynamic Geodesy;Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Wuhan 430077;China
Crustal structure of the northeastern Tibetan plateau,the Ordos block and the Sichuan basin from ambient noise tomography
Yong Zheng 1;Yingjie Yang 1;2 Michael H.Ritzwoller 2 Xiufen Zheng 3 Xiong Xiong 1 and Zuning Li 4 1 Key Laboratory of Dynamic Geodesy;Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Wuhan 430077;China 2 Department of Physics;University of Colorado;Boulder CO 80303;USA 3 Institute of Geophysics;China Earthquake Administration;Beijing 100081;China 4 Earthquake Administration of Fujian Province;Fuzhou 350003;China
Crustal velocity structures beneath North China revealed by ambient noise tomography
Lihua Fang1;Jianping Wu1 Zhifeng Ding1 Weilai Wang1 and Giuliano Francesco Panza1;2;3 1 Institute of Geophysics;China Earthquake Administration;Beijing 100081;China 2 Department of Earth Sciences;University of Trieste;Trieste 34127;Italy 3 The Abdus Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics;Earth System Physics Section;Trieste 34151;Italy
Love wave tomography in Italy from seismic ambient noise
Hongyi Li 1;2;Fabrizio Bernardi 3 and Alberto Michelini 3 1 Key Laboratory of Geo-detection ;Ministry of Education;Beijing 100083;China 2 School of Geophysics and Information Technology;China University of Geosciences;Beijing 100083;China 3 Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia;Via di Vigna Murata 605;Rome 00143;Italy
Detecting remotely triggered temporal changes around the Parkfield section of the San Andreas fault
Peng Zhao 1;Zhigang Peng 1 and Karim Ghazi Sabra 2 1 School of Earth and Atmospheric Science;Georgia Institute of Technology;Atlanta;GA 30338;USA 2 School of Mechanical Engineering;Georgia Institute of Technology;Atlanta;GA 30338;USA
Comparison of four techniques for estimating temporal change of seismic velocity with passive image interferometry
Zhikun Liu Jinli Huang and Jiaojiao Li Institute of Earthquake Science;China Earthquake Administration;Beijing 100036;China
Lunar noise correlation,imaging and monitoring
Christoph Sens-Schnfelder 1;and Eric Larose 2 1 Institute for Geophysics and Geology;Universitt Leipzig;04103 Leipzig;Germany 2 Laboratoire de Géophysique Interne et Tectonophysique;CNRS and Université Joseph Fourier;38041 Grenoble;France
Composition of high frequency ambient noise from cross-correlation:A case study using a small aperture array
Weitao Wang 1;Sidao Ni 2 and Baoshan Wang 1 1 Institute of Geophysics;China Earthquake Administration;Beijing 100081;China 2 Mengcheng National Geophysical Observatory;School of Earth and Space Science;University of Science and Technology of China;Hefei 230026;China
Frequency dependent polarization analysis of ambient seismic noise recorded at a broadband seismometer in the central United States
Keith D.Koper 1;and Veronica L.Hawley 2 1 Department of Geology and Geophysics;University of Utah;Salt Lake City;Utah 84112;USA 2 Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences;Saint Louis University;St.Louis;MO 63108;USA
Three dimensional shear wave velocity structure of the crust and upper mantle beneath China from ambient noise surface wave tomography
Xinlei Sun 1;Xiaodong Song 1 Sihua Zheng 1;2 Yingjie Yang 3 and Michael H.Ritzwoller 3 1 Department of Geology;University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign;Urbana IL 61801;USA 2 Institute of Earthquake Science;China Earthquake Administration;Beijing 100036;China 3 CIEI;Department of Physics;University of Colorado at Boulder;Boulder CO 80309;USA
Preface to the special issue on ambient noise seismology
Xiaodong Song Department of Geology;University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign;Urbana;IL 61801;USA
Equipartition and retrieval of Green’s function
Richard L.Weaver Department of Physics;University of Illinois;Urbana;IL 61801;USA
Equipartitioning is not sufficient for Green’s function extraction
Roel Snieder 1;Yuanzhong Fan 1 Evert Slob 2 and Kees Wapenaar 2 1 Center for Wave Phenomena;Colorado School of Mines;Golden CO 80401;USA 2 Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences;Delft University of Technology;2600 GA Delft;Netherlands
Seismic interferometry and estimation of the Green’s function using Gaussian beams
Robert L.Nowack Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences;Purdue University;West Lafayette;IN 47907;USA